What Are The Side Effect Doxytet Green Capsule


Hi I've been taking Doxytet and bio-metronidazole and Flucloxscillin for three days now and i have noticed that i started getting blurry vision, tiredness, becoming weak, vomiting,diarrhea and weak legs. I also got a brownish smelly discharge but it has stopped. is all of these normal or should i stop taking the pills and is it safe for my fiancee to take them as well.

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Hi,I have been taking doxytet for some days now and now my vagina is very itchy and sore...is it normal or what?please help!!!

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I hv thicky creamish discharge with lumps. Given green doxy.

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Im feeling dizzy and tired, just want to know if those are the first signs that the medication is working?

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Those can be normal side effects, according to the NIH, you may also experience non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea.

Maj, the medication might have caused a yeast infection, so you may need to take an antifungal medication.

Lizy, those are just side effects and they are normal. How are you feeling, now? Has there been any change?

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