What Triben V Softules Used For
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Want to know all infections that's its used for treating

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I have been using it for 3 days then my peroid came and my due date for my peroid as come after 2 days i started to feel pain n start spoting every other day with pain so i am wondering whats going on with my body since am taking the Triben-v softules

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Rose (# 5) I'm experiencing this aswell... I'm a really traumatized. Is it normal? Plz can I get some answers ASAP!

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My doctor prescribed triben V softules for my yellow discharge and odor. Does this help? If not what medication works?

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What will happen if I have intercourse after I insert the tablet?

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Yes me too I see blood spots on my liner. At first I thought maybe it's the softer because they are yellow on the outside so maybe they are pink on the inside why is that

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Hi I have used triben-v for my yellow discharge my doc gave it to me does the liquid in triben-v is yellow

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I have been using this drugs from last week but this week was my due day for my period and it has noto come, can someone please tell me if it changets my period cycle.

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Triben V is just a combination antibiotic that's used to treat many types of bacterial infections.

The U.S. FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.

Vanessa, what type of infection was being treated? Are you on oral contraceptives? Antibiotics can sometimes reduce their efficacy and cause breakthrough bleeding.

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i have been using triben v one week know and iam seeing blood spot wen ever i use the bathroom

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