Wellbutrin Feeling Mental Clarity And Planning Abilities
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Hi Gang, I have ADD, a PhD and depression that seems to be rooted in the ADD... Like I have great ideas but 1. I disagree with myself about what to do first and 2. I have a hard time estimating time and so have a hard time organizing my days. On Wellbutrin 150 mg now for 1.5 months and I feel great, no big difference except some killer headaches at first and feeling thirsty a lot. Drinking water helps a lot! Haha. So I feel like I can plan my days better. I feel like "this afternoon" is a real thing, instead of this black hole in my mind. The days seem longer. And when I think back, each day feels like 3 days. Is thus the effect I am supposed to get? I feel like my ADD is being subtly molded into a manageable condition.

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Hi Melster, yes Wellbutrin is really helpful. I don't know if this has been a problem for you with different psych meds but they can cause sexual dysfunction. Wellbutrin is less disruptive of that. It is also the same med as Zyban, used to help quit smoking, it is great for that. I actually cut back from 2 packs a day to 2 pack a week before that was known. Sounds like it is really good for you for the ADD, don't know if it helps with PhD. haha, It can be stimulating for some people, I don't know how it works with ADD though. Good luck, hope it keeps helping you get where you are trying to be.

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Hey melster, that sounds promising. I also have add and have been on the usual meds, Adderall, Ritalin, and a few anti depressants, but started a new one about 3 weeks ago (new to me) called effexor, started at 75mg. I think I'm starting to feel a little better in different situations, like waking up one morning not dreading the day. I have an appt. with my doc on May 5, and I hope he increases the dosage. How long did it take for you to start feeling any change? Well good luck to you, and I know where you're coming from..

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