Weird Symptoms


I don't know what's wrong with me but I've been feeling weird for a few weeks now.

My symptoms are: Lightheadedness, dizziness, insomnia, heavy pressure in my head, zinging in my ears, Random bruising, Random twitching, Random intense pains in different spots, tiredness, severe weight loss

I wake up early every morning but for the past few weeks I've had to lay in bed for half an hour to an hour before trying to get up because of how lightheaded and disoriented I wake up... if I get up too fast I'd either fall or just feel really lightheaded and clumsy like bumping into things. I haven't been able to have a decent nights rest in a very long time, it's like I sit in bed waiting for sleep but it never comes. When I bend to pick something up or just because I need to do something while sitting on the floor the amount of pressure I feel in my head is almost painful and also I've been noticing Random bruising on different parts of my body...I also go through periods where I'd randomly feel intense pain in different parts of my body where id have to sit or just stand still until the pain subsides but I can't do anything once it hits though. LOSS of appetitie is also something ive been experiencing...due to that the last symptom is severe weight loss, I've lost about 30kg the last time I checked plus 3 dress sizes don't know if that's important but thought I'd mention it anyway.

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The NIH lists many possible reasons for experiencing such symptoms, including medication side effects, hypotension and dehydration.

Are you on any medications? How much fluid do you take in each day?

Have you consulted your doctor?

The easy bruising may be indicative of a blood clotting issue.

How long has this been going on?

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Thank you for your response...

Turns out that there was toxic black mold in the walls of our rented apartment and that's what caused all my symptoms. Went to a doctor just to confirm it and he agreed with me.

Toxic black mould was the last thing that I was expecting but after a few months I was finally back to normal.

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