Weaning Off
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i take 0.5 milligrams of klonopin a day how would i wean off this drug

4 Replies

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from my experience .5 mls a day is a small dose when comparing to 1s and 2s and sometimes being on more than 1 or 2 of these higher strength ones a day, ...cut it in half take half for 1-2 weeks and than stop the withdrawls will b very minimal

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Withdrawal symptoms could include: nausea, vomiting, chills, fever, diarrhea, insomnia and confusion.

If you have only been on it for 5 weeks, though, the effects will be minimal and will not last long.

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taking 0.5 milligrams of klonopin generic brand once a day for 5 weeks what would the withdrawel symptoms be

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. . .can I assume that you are not under doctor's care?

This category of medicine has serious withdrawal symptons. As with some tapering, the pills are so small and hard to cut. If I were you I would cut into 4 pieces, mix with something like applesauce. Take 1/2 approx for approx 3 days, then take 1/4 for apprx 3 days. Stop and see if you are experiencing any bad withdrawal reactions.

(. . .in addition, this drup impaired my motor skills and immediately, under doctor's care, changed to something else.)

Check without it for apprx 2-3 days; if you're okay, you're weaned.

If you are switching from one drug to another in the same class, that won't be hard.

You're right to check for feedback. I have a hard time trying to search the internet for my answers. Love, from a participating spectator. Myra.

If this quantity of tapering isn't successful longer than the 3 days of tapering lengthen the process.

I'm responding to the drug class in general, but someone who had withdrawn under a doctors care can be more exact.

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