Weaned Off Savella After Three Years (Top voted first)


I took three week's to wean off savella to try natural remedies ..I'm. Being weepy...very sleepy all the time ...could it be caused. By stopping savella?

2 Replies

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Sleep problems (such as insomnia) are actually listed as a side effect of Savella. So I get the sense that "sleepiness/drowsiness" could be an opposite reaction to that after stopping the medication.

Since Savella is classified as an antidepressant drug, it likely has some sort of stimulating effect on the mind that eventually diminished as you weaned off of it. Not sure if 3 weeks was long enough for tapering off, but if that's the only symptom you're experiencing I'd try having a multivitamin or tea as a temporary 'pick-me-up'.

I hope this helps! Natural remedies are the way to go! :)

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Thanks for your response. I did buy Centrum Energy - it seems to be helping.

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