Watson 853 White Pill Real Changes (Top voted first)
UpdatedThere is a diff between yellow and white pills. Been taking yellows now for eight years or so. I was switched to the white ones about six months ago, and let me tell you its been a nightmare. pain is still present just a little weaker. Only last for 2-3 hours unlike the 5-6 hrs on yellows nausea 24/7 have to eat when taking them or I throw up. itchy everywhere cant sleep, extreme dry mouth, constipation much more frequent. Finally a bad buzzing in my head that wont go away. So YES there is something that was switched not the dye only. But I did read somewhere that Activis will lower hydro amt until sales increase then they will fill all ten mgs back into pill. Ok I see what there doing there making you addicted by lowering content so you need and buy more the after being hooked they restore amt and say we never changed anything and they have their lifetime customers back...its just me talking crap..
4 Replies
Same thing has occured to me as well with the White watson 853, I am glad there are others who have suffered because of this. I am from Las Vegas and just filled this at a local walgreens. i had the same reactions as you and my legs feel like they are on fire and itchiness is keeping me from falling asleep. My head hurts and my hearing seems to be dulled. I am not sure what to do. I left a complaint with Watson. This is ridiculous.
I think you are definitely on the right track by filing complaints directly with Actavis (formerly known as Watson). And with the huge amount of support on this forum from patients facing similar circumstances it might even be a good idea to start some sort of petition that others can sign to get their voice heard. This may help increase the amount of influence/persuasion your letter(s) will have on getting Actavis to change their methods for the greater good of all.
Until then, it seems like you just have to ask your doctor to specify a particular manufacturer on the script s/he writes, so as to avoid Actavis' inferior product at all costs.
Sounds legit to me the more a huge pharmaceutical company can stretch them the more money they can make and then all of a sudden you take a few and it knocks you in the dirt they need to keep there eyes on the machines and make sure they are tweeked more consistently.
I have just figured out that it is the cornstarch filler that is used in many pills including over the counter allergy meds that increases my inflammation and pain. The Qualitest brand does not have cornstarch in it, so your pain does increase if you have a sensitivity to corn products. So, it is not that the brand is better, it is that you are not ingesting something that INCREASES your pain/inflammation! The pharma companies are probably not even aware that this additive is causing more pain/inflammation in cornstarch sensitive patients.
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