Watson 853 Crumbling In My Hands (fake Or Just Old Meds?) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have a script of watson 10's with 853 on them, but they're crumbling in my hands.. Could these be fake or just old meds?
4 Replies
Yes they are fake, if they crumble easy or taste chalky and fall apart in your mouth. These are printed pills coming from the east side of detroit. I'm from southwest and have seen many of these..be careful.. cause lately theres alotta different kinds of pills being pill printed and there fake..you'll get a little feeling kind of like a Narco/Norco but its not hydrocodone at all.. but their are real ones too so you really gotta look at em and dissect the pill itself and know how the real ones shine and dont crumble and have a pill taste to them compared to them falling apart in your mouth (crumbling easily) and having a very weird chalky taste/feel to them. So far its only with the yellow Narcos/Norcos and white ones too..(Watson 853 & v 3601)
Hello, Denise! How are you?
Where were they obtained?
If they are from a legitimate U.S. pharmacy, then there's likely nothing to worry about. Various things can affect the solidity of a pill, such as variations in the manufacturing process, storage conditions and age.
However, if they are from an other source, then I would definitely say they are questionable.
These tablets are listed as containing 10mgs of Hydrocodone and 325mgs of Acetaminophen. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
If you received them from your pharmacy and are concerned, then you should go back and ask them about it. They are used to dealing with such things and won't be upset with you.
All of them taste chalky. If u get them from a pharmacy then they are real. Quit buying them off the street, that's the only way to get fake ones. Use common sense.
Every time I google or ask about round white waston pills 932 imprint I never get a direct answer!!! My grammy puts all her pills in a med caddy and when I try to give her the pills they keep crumbling or & about 1/2 of them look a lil bit smeared on the imprint. She just moved here not long ago, so some crazy pharmacy lady wouldnt even look at her oxys. Shes 87!!! So I'm on here lookin but there's not one clear answer.. I cant even get the shelf life for them...? With cancer in lymph nodes, breast, etc. Please help asap. She hurts. Thank u.
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