Watson 349 Shelf Life
Updatedacetaminophen / hydrocodone 500 mg / 5 mg, watson 349 shelf life?
1 Reply
If they are still in the original factory sealed container, these tablets have a 3 year shelf life.
However, once the seal on that container has been broken, the shelf life drops to one year, since they are then exposed to the elements that can cause degradation. This expiration date would include your receiving them in a bottle dispensed from your pharmacy.
This is a generic for Vicodin, which is a narcotic pain reliever, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, constipation, dry mouth and drowsiness.
Another note that needs to be added here is that as of 2013, the FDA has made a request that all manufacturers lower the amount of Acetaminophen in these combination prescription products to no more than 325mgs per dose.
There are concerns about the dangers of liver damage and failure that can be associated with long-term use of high amounts, as well as the toxicity of overdose.
Some manufacturers have already begun to implement the change and the rest are expected to have it completed by January of 2014. Thus, in the future, please double check and don't just assume that these tablets still contain 500mgs of Acetaminophen.
Learn more Vicodin details here.
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