Want To Fall Pregnant But Have Been Using Nur Isterate As Contraceptive. (Page 9)
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How long does it take for nur isterate wear off because i would really like to become pregnant soon. I have been using the injection since May 2011 to Nov 2011. should i take pills instead so that my cycle can return faster or what? i desperately need advise on this regard because i want to have a baby.

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I've been using nur isterate for 3 years then stoped using it few months ago about for 4 months then went for another injection 2 months back, now i want to fall pregnant but i've been expiriencing some vaginal sores.

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Have you consulted your doctor?

From the time you stop the injections, you should probably allow a few months for your body to return to normal, before you try to become pregnant.

It will greatly help your chances of getting pregnant and of carry a healthy baby to term.


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