Want To Fall Pregnant But Have Been Using Nur Isterate As Contraceptive. (Page 7)
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How long does it take for nur isterate wear off because i would really like to become pregnant soon. I have been using the injection since May 2011 to Nov 2011. should i take pills instead so that my cycle can return faster or what? i desperately need advise on this regard because i want to have a baby.
I used Nur once and I didn't go for my 2nd shot....I had sex with my partner after stopping it,are there any chances that I would be pregnant?
I want to have a baby,bt i was using nur fo two years,and i stopd am naw 1 year wtht using it.
Hey I have been on the 3 month injection for 5 year now I realy want to go for my 2nd baby now is there anything I can do to help me coz I know after so long on the injection its a stragle I did leave its a few monthes ago and nothing happend and went back on it plz help!!!!!!!
I have been use nu-straite for five years , its been 2 years I stop it and I want to fall pregnant and its not happening what might be the problem
Gal u so lucky hw dd u du it? I want mi 1st born now pls hlp...
Hi iv been into nuristrate since 2010 Sept and my periods stopped last year June till now I'm worried that I can't have babies and this ruins my relationship pls help..and I want to have a baby we've been tryn bt still wat shud I du?
I have used nur strate for more than five years,so i want to find out if i can fall pregnant and want to know if there is other medication that can help me.My period is back.Please help me i want a baby.
gal plz consult the doctor for treatment of HPV coz its dangerous to live with it untreated.
Hlw ive been using nur isterate for 4 year and i gained weight n my periods stopped i stopped using it 2012 june n i lost weight now i havnt been on my periods and am scared that i wont have babies pls help wat can i do
I am in nur isterate from January 2013 and the next expiry date 4September what must i do to fall pregnant quickly?
I used nur istrate for 2yrs I stopped in November 2012 its July 2013 I still haven been on my periods since I'm 25 and have 1 child would like to have a second child and my periods soon please help
Im 29yrs mother of a 3 months old baby,I had my 1st injection on the 6th of May,my return date was on the 6th of July but instead i've returned on the 8th,is it possible that i may be pregnant?
i was also using ths injection for 7yrs nt going to ma periot thn i stop using it last yr aprl i started to ge ma period ths yer april bt still its nt normal coz smtyms i skip month nt hvng period wht cn i do coz i really want to b pregnant
I've bin using a nurr frm 2009 til 2012 aug bt I ddnt c ma period n I'm desparetly lukin 4 a baby plz help
I had my first Nur injection on the 9 of May and had sex on the 29 of June am i pregnant?
Hi i was using nuristerate from march 2009 till sep 2011, and immidiately started getting my periods which were irregular. After 18months of not using any contriceptive am happy to tell you am 3months pregnant with no 2, so if it can happen to me surelly it will happen to you. Goodluck to all of you.
Hi.... Why have i lost weight after using a Nur-isterate contraceptive injection? Am i still going to lose weight if i continue using the injection and how can i gain my weight back?
Hi..... Will i be able to fall pregnant after I have stoped using a Nur-isterate contraceptive injection?
Hi I'm using nur-isterate for 3 yrs now, and now it's 6 months not seeing my period. is it possible that I might be pregnant?
what my chances of conceiving after being diagnosed with womb infection and using nurr for 6 year
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