Walgreens Oxycodone Filling Tricks (Page 8) (Top voted first)


I have read all the posts and found that the best way i found is on the 29th of aug i talked to the pharmacy manager and explained the dilemma i was facing and she told me just to transfer all my other scripts to her location and then drop off my oxy script and methadone and that they would order them for me if they were out.Bam ten days later i got a call yesterday that they had my script filled and to come pick them up.Hope this helps those having problems getting their meds filled.Good luck and god bless.

170 Replies (9 Pages)

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I had to go through shoulder replacement 8 weeks ago. I've been getting my pain meds from Walgreens and today I was told that they would fill it this time but no more. I have to get physical therapy and it's really very painful. I can't do pt without meds. The pharmacist told me my Doctor needs to put me on a long acting med. I went through that when I had my hip replacement surgery and they just didn't help. I hurt so much that I couldn't do pt without the immediate release oxycodone. I think that my Dr knows better than she the pharmacist what I need to help control my pain. Walgreens needs to have everyone to take their scripts some where else. I'm sure that they would change this policy. What gives them the power to try and say or think that they are god and try to think that they know what kind of misery we go through every minute of the day and night? I still think my Dr knows what's better for pain control. He went to med school for 10 years, but how about the jerks who made these policies? I'm going through hell because I am in severe pain. It is well known that it is really important for pain management to help recover. I hope everyone who reads this takes their business elsewhere. May God help us all who live in pain and suffer because the government bulls***. I pray for my sisters and brothers out there. GOD BLESS.

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I'm responding to the person that said they got there Walgreens prescriptions 10 days later and they were happy with that I'd like to know what the heck they did for that 10 days I know I couldn't wait 10 days I can't be without my meds for one day

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Re: DontJudgeWithoutAsking (# 155) Expand Referenced Message

Amen! I feel the same way! I’m almost terrified to get my medicine filled every month. It makes me feel awful when I have to go and get my pain medicine filled because most of he time they look at you like you are a serial killer.
Most of the time I have my husband go and get my script filled. I shouldn’t have to feel this bad about it. I am in continues pain ALL day long and I can’t even imagine not being able to take it. I hope things will change in the future.

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Re: CMJ (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I have been to 4 pharmacies trying to get my oxycodone filled after being a customer for over 10-yrs at my local Walgreens and the new mgr refused to fill it. I also read Walgreens was sued for $80M related to filling opioids. The pharmacist wanted to control when I am under the influence, e.g., (I take one 30mg every AM with Norco thereafter for breakthrough pain for my chronic, permanent pain.) by putting me on a 12-hr time-released morphine drug for breakthrough pain with the oxy, thereby controlling how I take my meds. We all have things to do in life, and when I need to drive somewhere, I can't be under the influence of drugs. What they've done is criminal and wrong, and the chronic pain sufferer is the victim!

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Re: patricia (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I switched over to Sav-On pharmacy in Albertsons. Walgreens drove me insane trying to fill my oxy every month. I've been at Sav-On for almost a year now and I'm yet to have any issues. Also if you're a cash paying customer it's a lot cheaper. They make it way too difficult for those in serious pain. We are not kids, leave us the f*** alone and stop with this overriding doctor bulls***.

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Re: Jane (# 167) Expand Referenced Message

Your pharmacist does not just decide what medication to put you on that is up to your doctor. The pharmacist can't just say oh here I want to put you on this MS contin as well as your oxycodone I wish they could do that.

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Re: Dwayne (# 168) Expand Referenced Message

im having a huge issue with walgreens its been almost a month to the date of when my prescription was wriiten and Walgreens keeps telling me they need a code ..then we have to talk to dr...they have gave me excuse after excuse ! i dont know what to do...im a legitament patient with legit perscription and in legit pain ,horrible, and can not do 80% of everyday life and living its a 10mg oxycodone and yes its that important and has gave me quality of life! i need help on how to get my script filled and soon im in bad shape! help please help! any imput is greatly valued ...thank you and walgreens is a horrible pharmacy and have me feeling ashamed

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I have also heard that the pharmacists keep track of how many times you have filled early. In pain control, it is important not to take more than you need but not to let your pain get bad cause then it will take more medication to bring it under control. But for those days when your pain isn't that bad, I just put those pills to the side for hurricane days or when the pharmacy is late getting my meds. I tracked mine down and found that the manufacturer was back ordered so they hadn't made enough medication to fill all the orders. It happens all the time. But the limits that Govenor Scott has put on Florida are not helping things for those of us who really need the pain meds. Between Scott and Pam Bondi it's a wonder we have any pain meds in Florida at all. But it is also important to find other ways to ease your pain like chiropractic or massage or hot showers or stretching or accupuncture. Using those things can help you take less pain medication.

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The reason I filled early those two times is because in the past, I ran out waiting on the doctor to refill. I did a total myself and even if that's what the pharmacist did, he's still holding it longer than he should. If you count the months I had to wait longer than 30 days, the early refills cancel out. I've tried everything over the years to relieve my pain.....even went to a Chinese medicine woman who tries herbs and acupuncture. Other than surgery, which they say only has a 50% chance of working, medication is my only option. It's not a choice. Unfortunately, pharmacists think it is. My doctor is out until Monday, so there's no one to even call. I'm at the mercy of Walgreens and their pill police. I thought about just telling them to cancel the refill and transfer it to a different pharmacy. But who knows what this joker will tell the new pharmacist. I'm not even taking a schedule II medication. Hydro is a schedule III. Why the scrutiny? I can't believe I have to suffer for 3 days. But I guess I have no choice. Thank you for your responses.

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yes, go to CVS they always have them

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Higpin please don't kill anyone. It will not solve this problem and just put you in jail.

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Dont feel bad, i was also with walgreens for years and after they also stopped filling mine when all the craziness started. I went to every pharmacy in my area and all the ones around me and found only one and i pay 2500.00 a month.. most all of my savings is just about gone and i dont know what else to do. I suppose try another surgery and pray it helps... i dont think things are going to get better and its a real shame...

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Well here's one for the books! I've been taking Lortabs for over 20 years. I've dabbled in everything from lortab, percocet, oxycontin, methadone, mary jane, coke, fentanyl patches, xanxax, valium, morphine, the list goes on and on and on. Just use your imagination. Anyways. I live in the great state of Tennessee where methamphetamine is abundantly available and you have to go through an act of congress to obtain anything with pseudoephedrine in it. Well a couple of years ago state officials passed a bill that restricts and closely monitors prescription drugs, specifically controlled II and III. They were focusing on drugs such as lortab, xanax, oxycodone, and things of that nature. Now there's no "early refills." There's no 1 or 2 day early refills even at the pharmacists discretion. If the prescription says take 1 tablet every 8 hours a day and the doctor writes you a script for 90 tablets then they cannot and will not fill another script for 30 days. Period. Yes, the doctor can authorize early refills but it is still pharmacy's decision to proceed or not. You get my point. They are really tight about narcotics now. They hold on to them like they're your balls! At any rate. Today I'm sure many of you can relate. From running out early to actually being cut short to just partying and not having enough to last the whole month, it's no fun when you don't have enough! So, my script is for 120 a month for 30 days. My PCP (primary care physician) prescribes them to me. I do not go to a pain clinic or anything. My doctor is totally cool. He's let me get early refills several times and a few other favors. So that time came again for me to get my script again but, this time was different. I didn't have the money to go see him. I am paying just cash each visit due to no insurance. Thanks Obamacare! That's a whole nother story. Moving forward. I didn't have the money to go see him this time so i debated on what to do. After a few days consideration i decided to just call him and tell him the truth. I left a message for his nurse and when she called me back I told her the situation and asked her if she could ask my wonderful doctor if he could just call me in my script. 10 minutes later she calls me back and says that she can call in 1 months worth (no refill) and i would have to pay next time before I see him. Sounds great! Next she asked me if I used a certain Walgreens. I advised that the location she asked about was not my preferred location and gave her the information to my preferred pharmacy. Then the new laws mentioned above come in to play. I presumed that he would have to write the script and I would have to go pick it up however, that's not the case here. They typed up the script, the doctor signed it, and then they faxed it to the appropriate pharmacy. So about an hour or so I go in to the pharmacy and pick up my script and left without any incident. A little while later i get a text that i normally get from Walgreens alerting that my prescription is ready for pick up. This has happened before where I get the text somewhat later after I have already gotten my prescription. I didn't think anything about it. Except this time was different. I got 2 texts and when they send the texts they state that if you have any questions please call the pharmacy along with their phone number. Each text I received had different phone numbers. One number from the pharmacy I went to and the other number was from the location that my doctor's nurse had on her file. I didn't want to press my luck and thought it was too good to be true. So 2 days go by and randomly I get a missed phone call from one of the pharmacy locations. It was the location that I did not use and the location that my doctor's nurse had on file. So my inquiring mind couldn't resist and I had to call back to see what was going on. A guy answers and I tell him I just had a missed call. I give him my info and he says he doesn't know why they called but I have a prescription ready for pick up! Since I don't have insurance I have to pay cash price for every prescription. I asked how much was the prescription and he said the magic number! Laaawd have mercy! Could it be true!?!? Can this really be happening!?!? Noooo. There's no way. So I tell my girlfriend and rush her into the car and speed to the pharmacy. We go through the drive-thru..... low and behold.....


I drive off with another 120 tabs!!! Score!!! How often does this happen!? Never! I got so lucky! And this from a large chain pharmacy and with our new laws and just picking up the first script 2 days ago!!! I thought it wouldn't happen! I felt like I stuck it to the man! Like the good guys won! Shew!!

I just thought i would share my story. I was super excited when this happened and I wanted to share my story with anyone who needs hope to move forward. It can happen and I never thought something like this would ever happen with todays rules and regulations. Thanks for reading and good luck with all your endeavors!

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You need to work on your grammer.

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Sorry they they edited your email. Try sharing information with me on here. Hope to hear from U soon.

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How is your dr. Certified in 50 states, when residence of 2 years is required in every state, is he over 100 years old? Please forgive me if I'm wrong, and I will search it out to make sure, but 180 tablets is the most that any narcotic, legally prescribed I thought in any state. Your business is none of my business, but it throws up a red flag when anyone comes to these forums telling anyone they get all the narcotics that you said that you get, anyone that would get that much would naturally have problems getting it filled. Only hospice patients would come close to getting that much, and their medicine is delivered to their home, and they have to be certified as terminal, before prescribing 3 different amounts of 3 or 4 different narcotics, drs. Will just increase the milligrams of one narcotic to get your pain under control. Whenever you tell people you get Dilaudids, methadone, oxycodone, vallium, opana, or whatever you mentioned, and 320 methadones alone, no one who would take 700 or more narcotics a month, how could they work on that, when just 1 Dilaudid tablet would put to sleep a 300 pound human? It is true, in a book titled: MONKEY OFF MY BACK, The story of Jack Brown, he committed 3500 felonies or more robbing drug stores to support his abuse of opioids, his habit consumed 60 Dilaudids a day, hard to believe, at a time that drs. Working at the rehab place in Lexington Kentucky determined that 8 grains. Of morphine was the most any human could take in a day and stay alive. You might be able to consume large amounts when I consider Jack Brown, who served years in sing sing and other prisons, I realize that some people are burned so bad in car wrecks, and they would have to receive lethal amounts of narcotics to kill their pain, so they are put into medical comas until they heal enough to be placed on moderate narcotic regimen. And by the way, I realize that anyone who posts a response like I did here will be watched and monitored, but that worries me not because I'm already watched and followed every where I go, and my phone is tapped.

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If you are disabled why are you not entitled to Medicare? It's certainly not the greatest but has helped me considerably with the high medical costs my chronic pain creates.

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Well theres a way to get your meds filled some insurance companies have express scripts takes 7to10 days but you have your meds.

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I think any pharmacist who refuses to fill pain meds is because they're addicted! Or they need it to sell! I think half of the young smart asses are street pharmacists as well, except my son n law!!! He is the Best!!!

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Email mr at {edited for privacy} and will give you my.phone number so can give you all the pharmacy info. You will love them and always they will have and fill your meds quickly. Talk to you soon Sherry

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