Vyvanse Aggression
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Adult daughter showing signs of agression on vyvanse
Re: Mom of Three (# 72)
The reason she is so difficult in the evening is because the stimulant has worn off. This creates condition in brain chemistry where neurotransmitters are imbalanced. It has nothing to do with stress at school.
I have been on Vyvanse for several years. In the beginning I took my meds in a diciplined manner and VY seemed to be really helping with my focus, my energy, my weight, my motivation improve. Good things were happening a
and it felt like
5 years old in my opinion is too early to start a child on strong Amphetamines. I'm sure the M.D tried the non-habit forming 1st. But at 5 years old just trying to get answers from the child would very difficult I'd think. I'm not a Doctor or Pharmacist, but I've been on Ritalin, & around age 18 on Adderall. Some of those symptoms can be permanent, luckily he only took the medication for a few days. I'm sure once the drugs completely out he'll be fine & no ticks.
I am having similar problems with my husband of 30 years; please read my post
My husband of 30 years has ADHD and depression. He is on Vyvanse 70 mg. He was formerly a sweet and loving man but he has become aggressive and verbally abusive. When I suggest he speak to his doctor he tells me to let his doc handle it. He is in denial because he thinks this med helps him. But he doesn't see what we see and I don't want to get divorced. Don't know what to do. My husband just seems to be a different person; so impatient
I'm wondering if it is being over prescribed for the wrong reasons? I have adult add and more than likely have had it all my life and it is just life changing. I do notice more impatience but I have leared to be very controlled ans recognize the effects it can cause before it's a problem. Easier for an adult for sure.
My husband is on vyvance vegans and is also showing aggression and acts like everyone is out to get him. He used to be very loving caring conciterate etc but now he's showing physical aggression, he is becoming violent towards myself and his mom. What can I do? I can't take it anymore! I want my husband back and not this person he has become on these pills. I don't recommend vyvance to anyone after seeing the effects first hand with him. I nor his mom can deal with the physical violence, he did pit his hands on me I stopped him from putting his hands on his mom.
I know someone taking this medication and is also pounding down wine and vodka. Her anger and physical attacks are out of control. Falling down drunk she drinks uncontrollably till she passes out. Goes to bed at 3:ooam and sleeps until noon every day.
Wow You're not kidding!!! This is a horrible medication it's really scary! The anger, the sadness, the crying. I felt numb. This medicine is horrible You're right no one should take it!!! My children are my lives and my joy and this monster drug took that feeling away! It's got me messed up
Good choice! It's hard to come off it when grades are good but there are many more medicines to try! Vyvanse even at as little as 20mg can really take a toll and most people don't realize it's the medicine. Good luck hope if goes well!!
I lost my 25 year old son April 12, 2013 to suicide. He was on Vyvanse and I found in his journal an entry stating that the Vyvanse made him suicidal. I have been to devastated until now to do anything about it knowing that there's nothing I can do to bring him back. However, if our story will bring awareness or help even one person by preventing them from hurting themself or someone else I want to help. Lets do what we can to stop these drug companies from such negligence.
I'm 16 I started taking vyvanse 20mg during the summer and noticed some slight side effects - aggression (especially if drinking), irritability, and over thinking/sadness. It wasn't too bad until school started I got up 30mg then 40mg now I'm on 50mg - I was trying to go the whole school day w/out the awful come down. My grades are perfect but I would not talk to anyone - I lost lots of friends, I never went to lunch and was so depressed/ stressed out all the time :(. I decided to go off it when my heart rate got way too high and my friend told me I was so different on the meds. I've been off it for 2 days and I already feel happier!! School is harder but I don't hate people and I don't feel sad all the time! I can't believe I was on this medicine 4 so long being so depressed - although I need another medicine option for ADHD.
Please, as the parent of a 23 year old, a college graduate, and now employed at a start up internet platform company. The grades are just not the important. I know it goes against every competative bone in "your" body. She is a person, not a grade. You deserve to enjoy her in the last few years she will be home. She deserves to enjoy her family likewise. In the end, fullness of living is found in connections with others, most importantly her family. Take less of a GPA, and more of the wonderful daughter she is. My intention is not judging it is more of not making the same mistake i did.
My daughter at age 10, high IQ, was having focussing issues. She started taking Vivance and made straight As in school. She's now 16 and has taken Vivance every school day for over 5 years (not weekends or holidays). She loves the medication and we have never increased her dosage from 20 mg each a.m. BUT, she is a BEAR on it! She is hugely irritable and mean-spirited and her behavior negatively impacts our entire family. Grades are very good, and she's a leader at school, but at home as she comes off the meds she is a BIG nightmare! We've been attributing her nasty behavior to the stresses of school because during the summers she is much more at ease, well now I realize she is more at ease because she isn't putting that evil med in her system. We saw the doctor this week, and my daughter is switching to a new med in a few weeks over Christmas break when the semester ends, which my daughter is reluctant to do because her focus is so good when she is on Vivance. I hate this medicine. It makes my child angry and mean, even though she makes excellent grades in demanding high school courses.
My 5 yr old granddaughter was put on Vyvance because Ritalin did not work. It has really helped her in school controlling her impulsive behavior but she does not eat. I get a good breakfast in her before she gets the pill but she goes all day till dinnertime not eating or drinking a thing. She is skinny about 45 lbs. The one thing I am concerned about are the increasing meltdowns almost nightly. She will be so good all day go out to like a party or something come home and you can see her aggression starting. I try to just ignore it then I get louder she gets screaming uncontrollably hitting things and just unable to stop until she literally passes out. I am 56 I raised my 3 children her mother my daughter died last year after battling brain tumors for 15 years she had no business getting pregnant in her condition or marrying the convict she did but that's water under the bridge. So I am raising my granddaughter alone her father is in prison for about 10 years I have lost my daughter and also my husband. I have 2 adult kids still at home my daughter just got married and they live with me along with my son. I just don't know if I can go through all this again. Been through it 19 years with my son. I am on the 4th mental health/ behavioral health facility. Any advice you have on these meltdowns?
Thank you Donna I will be looking into something different however this is his forth medication so far the best for concentration.
I give him the Beyond Tangy Tangerine and omegas
Can you try something else. It's so stomach wrenching. My son did the best on adderall. None of it's any fun. Please see my post. I truly believe that it is going to be linked to violent attacks. For my son at the age 22 when this happened it could have ruined his entire adulthood.
My son has been on vyvanse for about 2 years and it has been a nightmare for 90% of it. his aggitation has in creased into full blown violent attacks on me. My son is an otherwise loving young man with a vibrant spirit. This medicine changes him. Unfortunaly he needs it for school, he is so terribly impulsive he can not concencrate, however when the meds wear off towards the end of the day aggitation begins. When he is off for the summer he is fine. I want him off of this horrific medication
I googled "Youngevityabetteryou products" and could not find exactly what you were speaking of.
I would SO appreciate you letting me know what products you were giving your child, and where I can find them to research and learn about them on the internet.
Could you email me at: {edited for privacy}
Many thank you's in advance....
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