Vyvanse Aggression (Page 4)
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Adult daughter showing signs of agression on vyvanse

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this drug took my 7 yr old princess an turned her in to someone I didnt even recognize, very angry very emotional, all around 5 pm. so my doc says here is two more pills it will help! I was livid. I an not against meds but this is crazy. ive decided imdone with meds and just doing wrap around services and therepy. weve done about 8 meds now and I am fed up. I am exploring the watson institute it came highly recommended.

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Ok, Now I'm over the vyvanse. It was not bad. But then again I was taking cymbalta and xanax. I just don't want to keep taking pills. I think I will still keep in touch to let everyone know how I am doing.

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Ive been on vyvanse now for bout 2 years, and i LOVE it. it doesnt have as much effect on me as it used to, but i went from wanting to die, to a court room, and now trying to get a job and couldnt be closer to my family. its true not everyone is compatible to the same things, but i would tell everyone to try it at least once to see how they like it and how it works for them. Honestly? 50 percent of the time if someone feels down or just cant put up with crap anymore they either start a habit of drinking and drugs. this medicine (if compatible) could change peoples lives and make happiness change from a dream to reality like it has for me without being seen negatively by the eyes of the law
I read some things that people were saying, and i agree with what one person said.
(in my opinion) smaller children shouldnt take this no matter HOW spaced out and wild they are,they have far more energy then adults do and running or sports is the perfect way to release that without a drug that has to do with chemicals in the brain. if you give a child a drug like this it will change their personality and make them dependent on it.
im not trying to tell people how to raise their children,change their ways,or bashing on them if anyone thinks that and if anyones offended to this then pardon me. Have hope, keep the faith, have a nice day.

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My story is different than many I have read. I am 51 years old and I have been on Vyvanse for about two years. I went from 30mg, to 50mg then 60 mg. Now I have been on 60mg's for over a year. I am a person with severe chronic feet pain. I didn't go see a psychiatrist until my pain was unbearable. So the doctor gave me a test that was with a computer and I had something like a band on my head and to bands on my knees. I think the test is called the "Quotient Test" and then he indicated that the test shows that I am ADHD. Well, I lived all my life without no medication for ADHD and now I need to take a pill??? Anyway, since I have so much feet pain from Morton's Neuromas, Planters, Tissue growth on the middle of my feet from standing long hours. Pain in my lower back and meatless feet that you can feel the bone coming through. I can never find a decent pair of shoes for my feet. But I find that Epi Foam is helpful for the inside of my sneakers. I have many inserts done. I've seen numerous doctors and one removed one of my Neuromas, but it came back. So now I have two on each foot. I am miserable. To young to have a handicap on my car. And too cute to be in a electric buggy. My problem is I just stopped cold turkey the Vyvanse. I take other medications for nerve damage pain called Cymbalta and I take xanax for bedtime. I have now been feeling bad lately and hate my life. I wish I would of retired five years ago so I could enjoy my life now. I feel like I am 80 years old from my lower back down and I rarely do anything for exercise. I have no sex drive. I think way too many people are taking this drug just to loose weight or to do better in college and stay focused and to stay up at work. I think the doctors have great stock in pharmaceuticals. I do too much skin and scalp picking that I never did. This is why I decided to take myself off vyvanse. It just can't do a body good with all the stuff I am taking. I am still waiting for the skin and scalp picking to stop. I do it until I bleed. Oh and I attack my head as soon as I get in my car. I feel people must think I have lice. I will keep everyone updated as I am getting off the Vyvanse. God Bless To All

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My story is different than many I have read. I am 51 years old and I have been on Vyvanse for about two years. I went from 30mg, to 50mg then 60 mg. Now I have been on 60mg's for over a year. I am a person with severe chronic feet pain. I didn't go see a psychiatrist until my pain was unbearable. So the doctor gave me a test that was with a computer and I had something like a band on my head and to bands on my knees. I think the test is called the "Quotient Test" and then he indicated that the test shows that I am ADHD. Well, I lived all my life without no medication for ADHD and now I need to take a pill??? Anyway, since I have so much feet pain from Morton's Neuromas, Planters, Tissue growth on the middle of my feet from standing long hours. Pain in my lower back and meatless feet that you can fell the bone coming through. I can never find a decent pair of shoes for my feet. But I find that Epi Foam is helpful for the inside of my sneakers. I have many inserts done. I've seen numerous doctors and one removed one of my Neuromas, but it came back. So now I have two on each foot. I am miserable. To young to have a handicap on my car. And too cute to be in a electric buggy. My problem is I just stopped cold turkey the Vyvanse. I take other medications for nerve damage pain called Cymbalta and I take xanax for bedtime. I have now been feeling bad lately and hate my life. I wish I would of retired five years ago so I could enjoy my life now. I feel like I am 80 years old from my lower back down and I rarely do anything for exercise. I have no sex drive. I think way too many people are taking this drug just to loose weight or to do better in college and stay focused and to stay up at work. I think the doctors have great stock in pharmaceuticals. I do too much skin and scalp picking that I never did. This is why I decided to take myself off vyvanse. It just can't do a body good with all the stuff I am taking. I am still waiting for the skin and scalp picking to stop. I do it until I bleed. Oh and I attack my head as soon as I get in my car. I feel people must think I have lice. I will keep everyone updated as I am getting off the Vyvanse. God Bless To All

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my son is 10 and he is on vayvase and i am going to talk to the dr tomorrow because he is so angry and aggressive about 430 in the afternoons and if i forget to give it to him he is angry at the world..

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I'm 18 and have been taking Vyvanse since I was 14... There are some days when I feel fine without it, but usually I'll feel so low down, I'll lack motivation, I'll eat more, and I'll feel just awful without it.. I'll look on the dull side of everything and just think.. "What if...?" about everything.. and the long-term withdrawal symptoms sound terrifying!

Other than that this drug really helped me get through school, and it motivated me to lose a lot of weight... (I'm 5'8, weighed like.. 230 and went down to around 185, but I look around 150-160.. I guess it's from all the muscle in my thighs and bottom..) I'm not skinny but I'm definitely not huge. I'm happy with my body and I feel like I've made a huge accomplishment.. The point is.. I don't know where I would be today if I didn't start taking this, however, they should definitely look into which types of people can take this safely, and which ones will be at risk... I think that young kids should never be prescribed a drug like this.

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This drug is bad. The withdrawal symptoms, aggression, sensitivity to sound, paranoia, irritability, hallucinations, and I can go on about the negative side effects. I was off the drug for one day and nearly had a mental melt down. There should be a label that says "Bad Medicine" Has any one felt these terrible withdrawal from Vyvanse?

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please take him off slowly. I've never had such feelings of aggression in my life until I stopped taking Vyvanse. In one day I felt like I lost my mind. I kept saying to my husband its the vyvanse. My Dr. says I did not have withdrawal from the drug. Bull. I hope once your son is off the medicine for a while he will feel better. Best of luck.

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I am a 57 year old woman. I have been on Vyvanse 70mg for approximately 10 months. I feel terrific when Im on it. I lost a lot of weight and decided to stop cold turkey. I have never felt such anger or better yet rage, feelings of worthlessness, and hallucinations. I was going out of my mind. Never in my life did I feel such aggression. I take the medicine every other day. It keeps me up all night and I really don't like that. I would not go cold turkey on this medicine because of the side effects.are debilitating. If your son is feeling anything like I felt he will probably need some other medication to help him to not lose his mind. Thanks for your story. I believed the withdrawal was from the Vyvanse but my dr. denies it. I asked him if he was covering his ass for giving me such a high dose. He denies any withdrawal from the medicine and he took me off the meds and put me on Serquel XR. That seemed to work for me. Good luck with your son. He is going to need tender loving care. But he can get through the withdrawal slowly.

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I stopped using Vyvanse about three months ago because the side effects were becoming unbearable. I suffered from insomnia, extreme sensitivity to sound and light, anger, and panic attacks which would leave me temporarily paralyzed. When I started having suicidal thoughts, I knew I had to stop taking the drug. Since I stopped taking Vyvanse, I feel like myself again, and urge people NEVER to take this drug!

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What are the withdrawel symptoms to Vyvanse. Of course we were told by the DR., it would be just tiredness.

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I feel your pain. My 20 year old has been on vyvanse for about 3 weeks, 70mg. It has caused much aggression and saying terrible things and hates everyone especially his family. He is verbally abusive and we are at our wits end. We thought it would help and it did at first and then the side effects started.

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I've been on vyvanse for about 13 months now. I'm fourteen years old, and I'm scared to come off of it. I had the doctor move me up on it until I could focus completely throughout the school day without a "low" point. But it does mess up some people.. My best friend is autistic and when taking it remembers nothing of 2 months of her life, including meeting one of our other friends. Vyvanse is dangerous and only works for some people, and using it in larger amounts than prescribed can lead to many problems.. But if your child is experiencing problems, the first thing to check is that you're dispensing the meds yourself, and not letting them ahold of it themself. This can be vital, as many teens will end up wanting to/actually overdosing.

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My beautiful 9 year old daughter turned aggressive and tried to hit me and yelled out of control for almost two hours because I wanted her to read. She can't read and believes she is stupid and wanted to kill herself. I am at my wits end. I will see the dr today.

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I was taking Vyvanse, and could not bear the terrible side effects of the drug. Never again will I trust my Friend, who is a drug rep for Shire. What a bad suggestion he made. Agression, irritability, sensativity to light and sound Etc , Etc...

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My girlfriend's 5 year old son is on vyvanse. Normally he is a very loving child, but when he comes down from it, he is EXTREMELY aggressive. He hits, kicks, yells, and now even bites his mom. She takes him to his Dad's as she works a part time job every night at a tax preparing service, and the only time she gets to see him is when he is coming off this med. He even has hit and kicked his grandmother. He tells his mom he does not love her...it is BAD!! After some time (around 5 pm) he calms down. Unfortunately during tax season, she does not get to enjoy her boy after the effects wear off. Any suggested alternatives to this drug?

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My son has been on vyvanse for 6 months now, he has become very aggitated, aggressive and his peronality has changed from loving to hating us. He thinks the whole world is out to get him and that no one likes or cares about him. He has so much anger and it is causing me to become depressed. I took him to his doctor and told him I thought the medicine was causing this because he didn't act this way while he was on concerta and the doctor said he didn't think it was the medicine that he was just depressed and needs to see a child psychiatrist because he is 11 yrs old. I disagree and think it is the medication causing these mood changes.

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Try to read up on this blog:


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Vynase is a stimulant commonly used to treat ADHD and Naroclepsy.

Unfortunately, the irriatbility and agression can be common side effects of thse types of medications, however, there is not way to know, beforehand, who is going to get hit by them.

I am very sorry to hear of everyone's experiences, especially your son Shea and I hope things improve for him.


Does anyone else have information on these types of reactions?

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