Vogalene (Top voted first)


wondering what this french medication is?

4 Replies

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Based on my research and with the help of google translate, the French medication Vogalene is used for the symptomatic treatment of nausea and vomiting. It is an Antiemetic medication that belongs to the chemical class of Phenothiazines Metopimazine.

If looking for a substitute in the U.S. or just something that will have similar effects- I would just research Phenothiazine Antiemetic medications and speak with your doctor about which ones would be right for you.

Here is a list of a few Phenothiazine Antiemetic medications that I came across:

Compro (prochlorperazine)

Promethegan (promethazine)

Phenergan (promethazine)

Torecan (thiethylperazine)

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Promethazine Details

I hope the info helps!

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My baby is 11 months old and I used to take vogalene 5mg every 4 hrs during my pregnancy. Could that have caused any problems with my baby? I mean, is the amount that I took considered an overdose?

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interpretation in English of drug Vogalene & tanganil prescribed in France

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what is the american equivalent of vogalene? does this medication exist in the USA?

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