Viibryd Stomach Pain


I have tried viibryd twice. Once last year up to 40mg. Viibryd works for me, really works, but stomach problems were constant. I had to stop taking it. In May I diecided to try it again, but only 20mg. For the last two months, stomach problems all day. They have got better, but I still have to run to the bathroom all day. This is such a drawback for this med!

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Hi David! Sorry about the problems you're having with the Viibryd.

What type of stomach issue are you experiencing?

Is it just frequent bowel movements, or do you also have stomach pain and/or cramping?

Learn more Viibryd details here.

Have you tried anything to alleviate the symptoms?

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A lot of gas. I seem to have to go every time I eat. Visit doctor this week and will ask to try something else.

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Hi, I'm about to try to second attempt at viibryd. My biggest issue was extreme diarrhea every morning; a fear I wouldn't make it to the toilet in time! And also brain zapping at night, I'm sure due to withdrawals (40mg daily). It's the best medicine I've had. It surprising helped my RLS.
So here I am, hoping and praying maybe it'll be different this time.
The truth of the matter is: this drug, like many others, is a serotonin reuptake blocker, leaving serotonin in high upbandance. Serotonin is not strictly prohibited to our brains; it's also used within other physiological systems, including the digestive system (hence side effects). This is what frightens me abt drugs. But I'm going to try again!
Good luck to you! I hope u find what u need! :)

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