Viibryd Anger
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Unexpected amount of Rage. I wanted to hurt someone very badly. I have never experienced Rage like this before, and I have struggled with Depression and PTSD for over 30 years. Nothing else in my life has changed except being changed to Viibryd. Nothing related to my PTSD triggered the rage. It came suddenly, unexpectedly and today (the next day), I'm exhausted and sore. I'm assuming from all the adrenaline that was running throughout my body.

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I find it really interesting how a medication that's being marketed for depression is just making people angry instead... Neither of which are emotionally sound... But I guess it could be argued that anger itself is a small step above depression in terms of one's mental well-being; by that I mean some individuals may have an easier time going from a state of anger to a state of being relaxed/calm/content (of course after exerting your energy *at the gym?*) than to go from feeling depressed to feeling relaxed/calm/content. Connecting these dots, all I'm hypothesizing at is that from an exhausted or relaxed state of being, one could more easily reach a mental state of 'happiness' just by paying closer attention to their feelings and deciding to feel differently after things have run their course, so to speak...

It's a shame that schools don't take the time to educate us when we're young on how our mind works and how our feelings are related to our thoughts, what we put into our bodies, and other inherent relationships between mind and body that would only serve humanity positively if we possessed a greater understanding of how it worked fundamentally - no pun intended there Lol.

Coming full circle, I think medications like Viibryd offer a great temporary solution to getting out of a bind, but without understanding how the mind / thoughts / daily habits / etc play a role in our general well-being, these medications ('tools' rather) are a means to an end in my personal opinion.

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I've been taking Viibryd 40 mg for 7 weeks. I got through the loose stools side effect stage. It finally started working a little, except for the RAGE. It's really scary. I'm stopping starting tomorrow and going back to a regular SSRI like Lexapro.

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