Vicodin In Your System Time? (Top voted first)


how long does vicodin stay in your

3 Replies

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Vicodin can stay in your system fROM 3 to 5 days, depending on the miligram's, and how many timeS a day you take them.

If you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

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Is there anything I can take to get Vicodin out of my system by monday

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Determining how long Vicodin will stay in ones system is truly individualized, based on many factors. (I.E. height, weight, age, activity level, etc..).

I am not an MD or medical specialist; therefore I cannot begin to asses exactly how long it would stay in your system. The above information does however play a role in how well ones body metabolizes through what is digested.

To view further information regarding Vicodin, please refer to the link below...

If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back so I can further assist you.

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