Unprotected Sex After Taking Postinor 2 (Page 2)


Had unprotected sex on Monday; took postinor 2 the same day. Had unprotected sex again on Wednesday. Can I still use postinor 2? Won't it affect me?

80 Replies (4 Pages)

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Hi. I took postinor-2 five days after my period because I had unprotected sex. Then after 7 days my period came back brownish in color. I just want to know if it's because of the pill I took and is it normal? Thanks.

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I had unprotected sex after taking postinor 2. Can I get pregnant?

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Does postinor work after having unprotected sex? Will it also work if the two tablets are taken and after a few hours, you have unprotected sex again without taking another postinor?

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Hi I had unprotected sex 2 days consecutive after taking p2 did the pills work in any way or am at a risk

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Can one get pregnant when having unprotected sex after taking postinor 2 just four hours earlier?

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I had unprotected sex and took postinor-1 after 2 hours. Then about 26 hours later I had unprotected sex again. Will postinor-1 work or should I be taking something else?

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I took two postinor-2 tablets within one week and had unprotected sex the following week. Could I be pregnant?

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Hi, I'm Selina. I didn't take the the postinor 2 directly after sex, but waited till 11 hours later. Will I be pregnant?

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I didn't use postinor after having unprotected sex, and three days later I had sex again. Can I use postinor 2 at this point in time or is it too late? I sure hope I won't get pregnant.

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Took postinor-2 on Friday. Had unprotected sex on Sunday. Is there a chance of getting pregnant?

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I took postinor-2 after having intercourse with my boyfriend and we continued having sex for 15 days. Could I be pregnant?

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I had sex two days after my period and took primolut-N tablets after that, but after some hours I also took postinor-2. It's been almost a week now and I've seen no sign of bleeding. I'm very nervous and worried cause I'm experiencing some symptoms but I don't really know if it's a side effect or if I could be pregnant?

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I had unprotected sex a day after taking postinor 2. Can I become pregnant? I'm already seeing some light brown discharge and having cramps.

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I had sex on Friday and took postinor 2 that Friday, and also had sex Saturday but didn't take postinor 2 because the two tablets were what I had taken on Friday so I don't know if it will work for Saturday, and my period is late. I'm so scared and need some advice.

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I took postinor-2 before sex and I took the second pill after sex. Am I safe?....Will it prevent pregnancy?

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I and my gf had sex a week after her period and she took postinor 2. A week later, we had unprotected sex again. Is she going to be pregnant?

P.s. - her cycle ranges from the 26th-31st and her last two months had been 26 day cycles.

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I took postinor 2 two days after, I had an unprotected sex,,, is it advisable to retake it again & if I don't will be pregnant? I'm very scared.......

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I took P2 yesterday then had unprotected sex today can I get pregnant

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I had unprotected sex 3hrs after taking the second pill of postinor 2. Should i take another one or will that one work?

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I am usually on diane 35, but I am on my break waiting for my period. My last pill was taken on Sunday and I had unprotected intercourse on the Wednesday prior. I panicked and took postinor-2 approx. 5 hours later.

Since my last pill was taken on a Sunday, I usually expect my period on the following Saturday.

Will this change as I took the postinor-2? Please advise me as to when I should expect my period in order to know that I am not pregnant?

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