Unknown Pill Round
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small round, capital M on one side and the number 5 on the other

7 Replies

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I looked up your pill description M/5 is oxycontin it is a controlled substance . anytime u need a name of a pill put the description in search. Have a good day.

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Need to identify a pill...
It is like hot pink in color ..small oblong shape....imprints are '30' on one side and 'N' on the other side.

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Jason, it is rude to hijack someone elses post, in the future, please make your own post asking your question.

Pill Image

This is Morphine Sulfate Extended Release 30mgs.

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Okay! White with an M in a box on one side and 5 on the other is Methylphenidate 5mgs, a generic for Ritalin for ADHD.

Pill Image

You can confirm with the image and make sure this is the correct one.

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small round maroon color m in a box 30 on the other side

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hi, sorry for the omissions
pill is white, round, 5 on oneside, and a capital M in a box on the other side

much appreciate the help

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What color is the pill? Is the M in a box? There are several pills with M 5 on them, I need to know more details before I can tell you which on it is.

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