Ucb 581 Vs Adderall (Top voted first)


Hello there, well i currently take adderall and ucb 581(retalin) mostly to study and play music, but i would like to know which one is better to take and to be more concentrated and active. any answer is welcome,but a professional and medical one will be more appreciate it, thanks.

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Hi I am 32 yrs old I have right term hearing loss might b vertigo I had MRI but report were normal but when I had ENT test then doc wrote me about right.Ear hearing loss as I have very less hearing from right ear and sometimes when even I am still I feel the entire world in front of my eyes spinning and I vomit a lot when ever I eat something or when ever I walk during this period as the best is I shld sleep during this till I get all right and doctor prescribed me zyrcold for this from last 4 years I am using this medicine and whenever I stop this medicine after some days I again suffer from this bad thing whisteling sounds in my right ear and spinning and vomit Iremember one accident I had in my childhood I was sittind behind scooter and felt down on earth and when after 3hours I wake I found myself I. Hospital is this problem is due to that accident ? Is there any good treatment for this

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Hi, Jack!

If you check out the medication details, the professional medical one actually says that there is no way to know, since it can vary from person to person. Studies can show the percentage of people it was effective for, but that's as far as they can go. Even your doctor can only go with the majority, when prescribing something and tell you to try it for awhile and see.

That's actually why there are almost always several different medications available in any treatment category. What works great for one person doesn't always work great for someone else.

The only thing you can do, in regards to any medication, is to actually try it and see which one works best for you.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Thanks Verwon, it help me out, and i guess i more of a adderall person than retalin. Just to make sure ucb 581 is retalin right? which is similar to adderall.

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Does ucbt581 come up as amphetamine salts.so please git back to me so I no its the same

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