Tussionex Ext Rel Sus Medeva Qty 120
UpdatedDoes this medicine have real codeine or synthetic? I am allergic to the real stuff but I can take meds like vicodin & darvocet.
7 Replies
Tussionex contains Chlorpheniramine and Hydrocodone, the same narcotic as that in Vicodin, so no, it doesn't contain regular Codeine.
Side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
You can read more on this medication here:
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How long does tussinex extended release show in urine
Since it is a sustained release formulation the standard 72-96 hours could be an additional 36-48 hours. These are only hypothetical. Folks have cleared in as little as 60 hours while others showed positive after 8 days so it's all relative. There are far too many metabolic variables so even a lab or tox. specialist couldn't answer with an absolute degree of medical certainty.
Why does one other site say 8-24 hrs and this site 96 hrs basically?
the Hydrocodone in Tussionex is derived from the resin complexes of the opium poppy which yields a much more euphoric effect than regular hydrocodone. For some reason no one posts this fact which explains why Tussionex (not the generic) is so highly prized.. The generic "Tussionex" is comprised of the same hydrocodone as in vicodin. My experience with this drug began in 1972 and ended in 2009.
Re: Dr Shake Well (# 5)
Back in the 70s it had hydrocodone bitartrate resin. That was thick until you shook it up then it liquefied. The hydrocodone is balance perfectly by ionization so each teaspoon had the same amount of hydrocodone.
It has hydrocodone like in Lortab. It's codeine fused with a hydrogen atom which makes it a lot stronger than straight codeine.
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