Tryptomer Uses (Page 2)
Updatedwhat is the use of tryptomer 10mg?
I have head pain(upper of right ear) when cold... and doctor suggested Tryptomer 10 mg for one tablet/day for 15 days.after dinner..... can I take it?
Don't continue the medicine regularly. Because it causes some liver problems like as criosis liver, hepatatis. You must consult your doctor first
I have pain in my left toe sometimes and I felt cling clanging in my toe. I had already visited at hospital where the doctor he recommended the medicine name is tryptomer 10 mg ...
My dad aged 65 yrs was suffering from lungs problem so treatment was taken completely.but from 8 to 10 days he feels uncomfort, unesinees, dry mouth so plz suggest what treatment to be taken
what are main uses of tryptomer. I'taking 10mg tablet for the 14 months.
what are main uses of tryptomer. I'taking 10mg tablet for the 14 it safe to continue.Sometimes I feel numbness in my head.
I have an problem with abdominal pain with and general rashes in my body.then met a doctor they prescribe this one at bed time.for 45 days.
I am having neck pain and pain in my head. My neck is stiff and sometimes I feel numbness in my hand or feet and it hurts. Doctors have advised me to take tryptomer 10 mg.
I am suffering from deepression, doctor has told take triptomer 10mg daily night
Hi em 23 years old female. Em suffering from dull ache on left side of ma neck upto shoulder since 5 years, twice or thrice a week. My new doctor has adviced me to take tryptomer daily. I read it is an antidepressant then why he prescribed me this tab plzz tell
Is Tryptomer about stomach pain or not. My consult doctor gave me to relieve stomach pain but I feel doubt about it whether it is for stomach pain or no.
I am feeling so depressed that I think i could die soon from depression. I am sixty years old and I am worried about the unrest in people and cheating. With depression my blood pressure increases. Please advise whether tryptomer 10mg would be helpful for me?
I took trypomer 25 mg for more than 3 months. It seems I was fine at that time but after leaving the medicine I see the problem coming back again. Pain in the right side of my head, hand, back chest, down to my leg.
I never get normal sleep at night.... I go sleep after 3am and get up at 5 or 6am. In the morning I work as driver and I really suffer from severe back pain. One of my friends suggested tryptomer tabs to me. Can I use the tablets? I'm 27yrs old now and unmarried... If I consume the tryptomer 25mg tablet will i face any problems after my marriage? Please advise.
I am 47 years old and I am suffering from left leg deep vein thrombosis as of the last 2 months. I feel a prickling sensation in my leg... I consulted my doctor and he advised me to use tryptomer 10 mg. My question is, will it help to decrease this prickling sensation? Tryptomer is used to get relief from depression, so I don't know how it will work for my problem.
Re: james (# 31)
It will work I believe as my friend had this for 3 months and now he is completely fine...he had severe IBS
Iam sufferings insomnia last twenty years iam taking alprex5for sleeping. But not satisfied. Soiwant to take typtomer10mpl advise.
Can we use tryptomer with Tenofovir + Efavirenz + Lamivudine (ART combination for HIV)? Any serious side effects?
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I am 25 years old and I am taking Tryptomer 25mg from past few months but its not regular. I take it for some time perio...
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