Updated9 Replies
what should i do? i have pain on left chest and opposite back and i have gastric constipation. should i continue tryptomer or not
Tryptomer contains the active ingredient Amitriptyline, commonly sold in the US under the brand name Elavil, this is an antidepressant.
What you are experiencing are common side effects of this class of medications, muscle pain and constipation, as well as nausea and weight gain.
These should wear off after a few weeks, as your body adjusts to the medication, if they do not, please consult your doctor or pharmacist.
You can read more about this medication here:
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dreams of urination creats bedwet in the night
blurred images
I am 33 year old, a month back I approached a doctor for sever joint and muscle pain - which occurs randomly. He carried out blood test and it was normal based on crp factor,etc. He concluded I am affected with Fibromyalgea and prescribed Typtomer 10 mg - 3 times/day and E-vitamin tablet 2 times/day.
After a week I had constipation problem and difficulty in urinating. I discontinued Tryptomer and taken medication for the above problems. Again when I restarted Tryptomer, I had sever impact of constipation and urinating problem for a week's time.
What shall I do?
my mother has been using tryptomer for the past year and she got to know that she had thyroid and she has started taking the thronorm tablets from the past 2 weeks. she wants to know weather taking thyronorm with tryptomer would cause any side effects. also if thyronorm doset work will she put on weight?
plz answer me
I have been having migrane headaches for the past i.5 years. and advised to take Manoprolol 10 mg and Trikoprex along with lofecam 4 mg. After these days I still have been getting severe pains for the last 4 -5 days persistently. I was advised by another Dr. to take inderal and trytomer 10 mg and on getting severe pain to have a pain killer either dolo 650 or Grenil (SOS). But I have been getting drowsy all through the day and next day also and I get the pain the following day also. ALL I want to know is that how long should i take yhese tabs . Will I be getting side effects and is there any other treatment without tablets. I have already been operated for acute fissure and been having constipation problems if dont concentrate on my diet. Please advice.
Wants to know advantages and disadvantages of tryptomer
(suicidal thoughts)
I was an alcoholic and got treated for secondary depresion with Amitritylin 75mg along with clonozepam0.5mg. I am continuing this for more than two years with Amitriptylin 50mg and clonozepam0.5mg. Is it something serious? What should I do further?
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