Tribuss (Top voted first)


My friend had pneumonia and the doctor gave him tribuss. He also discovered he is hiv positive. Is he going to use this for life or temporally? The doctor did not explain this.

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I've been on tribuss for about 4 years now, but before that, I started on 3 combination meds. I've been on antiretroviral therapy for almost 9yrs now, but a month ago shortly after taking tribuss, my skin started itching with a rash that comes & goes. My cd4 count is at 400 and my viral load is still undetectable. My doctor said there's nothing wrong with it but I think it's due to long term antiretroviral treatment. What could be the cause? Can I use allergex/rhineton to stop this? I'm antisocial because I'm tired of having to explain to people about my tongue discoloration because they ask me all the time. I've tried scrapping with salt but still the marks won't fade away. Please help. Thanks.

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It is really up to him and his doctor. The NIH lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, stomach pain, and diarrhea.

Babs, how are you doing, now? Has there been any change? Are you on any other medications?

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