Triazolam 0.25mg Greenstone
Updatedi am interested to know where to acquire triazolam 0.25mg greenstone here in the Philippines..
3 Replies
Sorry, as I myself have found, Greenstone products are available purely in the USA. There is not a single online source for them.
They are made by Pfizer/Upjohn, and the G 3718 tablet you seek is IDENTICAL to the Upjohn 17 Halcion brand, which is not difficult to find. I source mine from South Africa, much cheaper than most countries. A box of 100 should cost you around US $120. Very reasonable. Their alprazolam, coded G 3721 (1mg) & 3722 (2mg long white bars) are likewise identical to Upjohn 90 & 94 tablets.
The advantage of Greenstone is in the price paid in the USA. There are places where the original Halcion and Xanax brands of the very highest quality are a lot less expensive than in the US. ALPLAX by Gador of Argentina are equally good alprazolam; stick to Halcion for triazolam. Greenstone, as you rightly assume, are the only alternative triazolam worth paying for.
If you require triazolam for its excellent property of inducing sleep rapidly and efficiently, consider also the thienodiazepine BROTIZOLAM, brand LENDORMIN, same strength, half life and properties. If required on a longer term basis for chronic condition, you will find that there is not a great cross-tolerance so taking the two in rotation is the way to go.
I hope you can sort something out. Reply if you need the best suggestions for sleep maintenance of 8 hours or so. Too many people who have little understanding of hypnotics pharmokinetics make the wrong, or poor, choice. Good luck.
Can someone please tell me where I may obtain Alpraquil brand alprazolam 0.5 mg? The distributor in in India and their name is Lupin. They are packaged in a pale pink box containing blisterpacks of 10x6x6. Actually 1.0 mg strength is better if I can find it.
Many cheers,
L. Goldstein
Greenstone LLC is located here in the USA. "Google Greenstone LLC " New Jersey. Authorized Distributor. For Phizer info on how to find your Medicine. Good Luck. Be well
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