Treatment For Missed Period
Sir / mam
I'm 21 yr .I'm very upset n feel ill sometimes.I've missed my periods past 4 to 5 months. I've visited doctor but no use they tell me to wait and told water is filled in my pcob .no medicence provied to kindly help me with this what should I do with this problem thank you.
1 Reply
Hi daffodil,
I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. I just want to clarify, when you say "water is filled in my pcob" do you mean that you have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)? Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome causes what are referred to as cysts, on your ovaries, which are like sacks and fill with fluid overtime. If you have this condition, you should've been prescribed some sort of medication.
I do know of a medication you can ask your doctor about during your next visit:
Its name is Regestrone and from what I've researched, it is a product of India. The reported active ingredient in Regestrone is Norethindrone; which is used to treat premenstrual syndrome, painful periods, abnormal heavy bleeding, irregular periods, menopausal syndrome (in combination with oestrogen), or to postpone a period.
Common side effects while taking this drug include:
changes in menstrual period, such as: spotting, or missed periods, light headedness, drowsiness, headaches, possible fevering, hot flashes, stomach ache, nausea, stomach pain, difficulty sleeping, weight loss or gain, and feeling weak.
Here is a link to a thread where other users discuss Regesterone:
I hope this helps!
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