Traveling To Usa While On Methadone
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My husband and I want to travel to the states as my husband has never been overseas in his life problem is we are both on methadone I was hoping we could be away for 2 and ahalf weeks I've traveled to Indonesia while on methadone all was fine we both live in Western Australia please can anyone give me some advice on America if we will come across any problems while there

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I’m travelling to USA (jacksonhole,wyoming) in dec for two weeks. I will be travelling with pyseptone tablets and i’ll have a letter from my dr. Will I have any problems travelling with this medicine?

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Hello, Nat! How are you?

This is a controlled substance, but with proper prescription documentation you can bring enough with you for the duration of your stay. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Make sure you bring medical documentation and to leave the Methadone in the original identifying containers.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Are you both going to clinics to get your methadone? Or have scripts at home? Either way it's not frowned upon to be on methadone here in the states. You guys should have no problem.

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