Tramadol Vs. Tramacet


I am looking to find out what is the difference between tramadol 100mg and tramacet. Are they both the same thing? The mg. is different and I don't understand that part. Thank-you

19 Replies

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Tramadol is just that, the active ingredient Tramadol by itself. It is an analgesic.

Tramacet contains Tramadol and Acetaminophen/Paracetamol.

Common side effects to both may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.



Do you have any other questions?

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My pharmacist changed my perscription from Tramcet to
Tramadol. I now have a rash and the pain in my knees is
recurring. Is this a possible reaction?

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Is it save to consume alcohol with tramodolacet medication

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What is the difference between Tramacet and Tramahexel?

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I have Porfirie, is Tramacet save toe use? Dont have the acute Porfirie, but the one withe the skin rash tipe?

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I am being given tremacet in place of tramadol that the manufacturer is short of. I was told to take tramaset as needed where o take 300gr tramadol daily. Can you let me know why this is.

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My Dad was prescribed 150mg Tramahexal which made him extremely ill - nausea and vomitting non stop. A long while ago I was prescribed Tramacet which made me extremely ill - hallucination being the scariest! Are these meds the same? Why are they being prescribed if it makes us so ill!!!

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There is nothing wrong with tramacet I'm on it had bad ulcerative colitis. Should not be taken on empty tummy or u will get nausea. I think it's far better than cheap anti inflammatories and is brilliant for chronic pain. Only side effect I get is nausea if my tummy is not full when I take it. Other people report drowsiness. I'm very sensitive to drugs.

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My name is Mila, now I am in Japan. I have chronic pain ia my Doctor advice to try Tramset 37, 5 mg 4 times a day.
I want to ask what is better Tramadol or Tramset?
Tank's if you give my a reply.

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Tramacet has an added bonus of acetaminophen in it. Tramadol is just itself the analgesic.

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I can tolerate tramacette but Tramadol gives me headaches
My GP says it's all in my mind. Ha an easy excuse when they don't know the answer

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Should be fine I get psoriasis and it has not affected my skin or made the psoriasis flare

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No. People have actually died from it. I had a couple shots of Whiskey in the past while on it(before I knew about people dieing from mixing them). I became really dizzy and felt like I was going to fall and or pass out. It was a neat feeling but kind of scary as well. Anyways not a good idea.

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It's pretty much never a good idea to consume alcohol with any prescription drug....But to answer your question directly. I have actually had tramacet and had 2 shots at a buddys wedding, and it made me extremely dizzy for about a half hour. It was a cool feeling but probably not a good one, and you wouldn't likely want to be standing while it hit you as you'd likely fall. That was only 2 shots. I can imagine if I had more it probably would of been really dangerous. Anyways I wouldn't recommend it.

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Hi I'm currently on TramaHexal, and I just want to know if I can use Trigestel with TranaHexal or would the one cancel the other one out?

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Re: meme (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Tramacet is less addictive than tramadol

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Which is stronger Dolotram or tramadol

And also what is the difference

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what is the difference between tramacet 100mg tramadol 100mg tramasac 100mgf

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