Tramadol Tramacet


I have been taking tramacet, but it is out of stock in south africa currently, so i have
been given tramadol 50mg, does it work the same will i get withdrawals.

7 Replies

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Hi, Helen! How are you?

Tramacet contains Tramadol and Acetaminophen, so they've just given you the one without the Acetaminophen, thus there shouldn't be a problem.

Learn more Tramacet details here.

You may want to ask your doctor or pharmacist about just adding some Acetaminophen on your own, by taking a Tylenol tablet with it.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I believe there is an error. I have checked on the list of medications as I have been taking Tramacet for some time., Tramacet is commonly available in Canada and South Africa. It is a combination of opioid pain reliever with Paracetamol, not Acetaminophen (aspirin). There is a big difference here, for those of us not tolerant of the latter.

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in response to Morgan. Acetaminophen is not aspirin

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I agree, on my Tramacet box it states:
(Paracetamol tablets 37.5 mg tramadol HCI + 325 mg)
Analgesic agent
I had an ankle surgery and was given Tramacet with other pain medication. I developed an allergy but it is not yet known what causes the allergy. I also had a cast on and they had to remove it because of complications. They think I had an allergic reaction to the glassfibre the cast was made of. When they removed it my foot and leg started getting better. I was hospitalised for 10 days. Luckily the Lord Jesus saved my foot and leg and gave me a fantastic and caring docter. If things didnt turn for they better they could have amputated the leg below the knee.

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Verwon: Why is your 'knowledge' and advice so different from mine?

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You can take paracetamol with your tramadol.

Tramadol is best when used with paracetamol and taken at the same time.

For long term with Tramadol and Celebrex results are best after six months

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OK but it's not paracetamol either. I stick to that because I react badly to aspirin or acetaminophen. Currently I have been advised to reduce my daily intake of tramacet for pain due to fibromyalgia to one per day.

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