Tramadol Control Rant (Top voted first)


Is fast becoming a low grade but definite controlled substance. Have there been many cases of over dose? Deaths? Why is this happening? Back in the day you could order narcotics from Sears catalog. And buy tramadol over the counter. I'm not saying this is responsible for this day in age of course, but there just seems to be so much over control. I'm not speaking for all, just this particular medication. It has potential dependence not so much abuse. And so what I don't drink. Don't smoke.hate that, ew. Just put it behind the counter and ask for an I.d. 21 and older.

3 Replies

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Hello, BluLotus! How are you?

I understand what you're saying, but Tramadol does have addictive potential, plus there have been cases of overdose. While it seems like a rather benign mild medication, it is derived from an opiate and causes the same side effects and issues that opiates do. The main issue with overdose is central nervous system depression, which can be fatal. That is why it requires a prescription.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Than you for your response Vernon :). I am much aware of the warnings in tramadol abuse but what is the difference between tramadol and aspirin which you can also overdose from? Or loperamide which is also an opiate? If I take over 8 tramadol in a day there is mild euphoric effects but so what. To classify as a controlled substance, a narcotic mind you, is crazy government control and completely absurd as an Adult in this country. I mean what's next, Naproxen?!

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I mean Verwon. .. spell check on my phone is silly ;).

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