Tramadol After August 18?? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Hearing lots of places that the people who order tramadol via internet will no longer be able to. I live in a town with uptight doctors who charge outrageous prices plus insist on doing constant testing before writing a prescription. If true what are my option after Aug 18

99 Replies (5 Pages)

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Dudman 21...can you please somehow share your source? I am being told that no pharmacy in the USA has tramadol and I am desperate. I have to order from overseas which I don't like to do. I have also been told from many pharmacies that it is now illegal to get tramadol unless from a doctor in the USA. Can you help me please?

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also, i only used places that offered cod. cash upon delicery through usps. if they are legit they will offer this. dont be dumb and use your credit card bc some of the places that take credit cards after the new law will accept ur payment and send u crap like gabapentin which is worthless. good luck.

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How are we able to talk amongst each other if we would like to talk privately? Thanks admin!

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Dudman21...since this new law changed I don't know of any place that will send it cod. It has to be through credit card. So I don't know how you are still able to purchase it by cod? Please let me know.

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morningstar pharmacy. just picked mine up and sent money order through post office today. but as i said before i am getting this legally. i had a consult before the law took effect and they send it to me because my script is active and legit still. not sure if they will work someone who hasnt been on file there before august 18th. good luck all.

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Can you share the contact info with me please? Was it legit? Thanks. {edited for privacy}.. Not sure what you can share on this site.

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Where can I get my tramadol online. I've been using for a long time and it's getting harder and harder to get from my dr. Please, ANYONE HELP

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Hi Joe...I am in the same situation you are and the only place I have been able to get Tramadol is from overseas. Its expensive and takes forever to arrive in the states. I absolutely hate what the DEA has done in regards to ordering Tramadol. Please let me know if you are able to find any in the USA...thank you!!!

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I have used this people too. What place is it or an email please.

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Momoftwogloriousgirls. Hi I would love to hear how u you are!

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Hi I also have gotten from morning star but it has to come from a site first. Do you know the info or email of the company you placed your order thru?

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i just got another shipment from morningstar after i just picked up an order held at post office bc i was out of town. morningstar only sends to the customers they had on file before august 18th law. if u werent with them before law u are sol.

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Hw is momof2gloriousgirls doing? Hows everyone been? Have u found a way to continue? or if u quit, how did that go?

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Hi Peaches I was asking about Mom's too! She had been going cold turkey with the help of Prayer. I have not heard from her. I started to take suboxone. It has been a wonderful solution for me. It helps with depression and osteoarthritis in my knees. It also helps with menopause! I know that some people are going to say that I just switched from one poison to another. But I feel that at least now everything is legal. I still get calls from people trying to sell me tramadol. I suspect that they are overseas. How are you doing? Please let me know

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Same boat as you all but have found a couple resources. Hate that there is no overnight delievery. Argh

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They almost work better.

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Because I had a serious opiate problem in the past, which I kicked 3 years ago, my Dr's are all afraid of giving me tramadol. Ive been on it for about 1 year, but only take about 150mg 4 days per week for depression. Those are the days that I have my kids, and I don't want them to have to suffer because I am depressed. I am about to lose my tramadol all together and I am really looking for a safe alternative Is there any way that you can lead me in the right direction? I would greatly appreciate it!!

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Hi Mike... I also take tramadol for a ruptured disc in my neck...from what I have been told from the pharmacy I get my tramadol from...he can't get it in the USA because of the new laws so I have been ordering from overseas twice now and have had no problems.

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so did you actually find a place ?

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Both tramadol and tapentadol have been CDs of Schedule 3 here in the UK and most of Europe now for over seven months! Reason given was a higher than previously believed propensity for misuse due to their combo mild opioid/SNRI properties... Codeine phosphate, Oramorph®* & dihydrocodeine tartrate remain Sch 4 drugs (no CD controls, same restrictions as any other POM (Prescription Only Medicine). Which is to say very few.

*Oramorph oral solution contains less morphine sulphate than the threshold for automatic Class A, Schedule 3 Controlled Drug status per dosage unit; similarly 'Gee's Linctus' contains an amount of opium which makes it only an Over the Counter drug, but no Pharmacist would sell multiple 200mL bottles! Tincture of Opium requires a 'special' prescription and is Schedule 3.

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