Tramadol After August 18?? (Page 2)
UpdatedHearing lots of places that the people who order tramadol via internet will no longer be able to. I live in a town with uptight doctors who charge outrageous prices plus insist on doing constant testing before writing a prescription. If true what are my option after Aug 18
I know. I thought I had a small stockpile only to open the package and see they gave me Gabapentin. Which is supposed to be the alternative. OMG really?? They are totally 2 different types. So now looking for fast alternative. Very upset about this switch with no explaination
Hey Mom, me again! Please keep me posted if you have any success! Thank you!
Hey guys and gals, I'm 21 work (BMW of Riverside) /school (UTI) full time and this pill is wonderful. I usually get my pills from Mexico (Algodones) but due to money being so tight I don't have enough money to head to Mexico from Riverside. I'm currently going through withdrawals and don't feel like doing crap, anything would help.
Mick time will tell. Let you know. Thanks
You can buy tramadol in México with no problem. I got a prescription from a mexican doctor cost around $20 bucks and brought my meds back to the US with no problem, bought only one bottle of 125 little white tabs to test and went perfect. They say they have mail service too to all the US from inside the US, so who knows maybe this can help you all. The trams are great even though they are a mexican brand.
I am done!!!! Just get off the things. This law could be a God send!!!
So Mick thanks but no thanks. Too much trouble. Rather hurt and just forget about it. Love to you all and I pray you each are well. Gods love is bigger than any pain
Mom, please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing! I am terrified of the withdrawl! I made an appointment with a suboxone dr. The appointment is for next Wednesday. I have read a lot about it and most of it was very good. I will let you know how it goes.
I think you can still get it from some places...but only by phone..... and the tramadol may be mixed with Tylenol like ultracet. Not sure on that. Just had it one time from another country and it was some weird s*** that made me sick to my stomach... but had tramadol in it cause the withdrawals went away.
Hi Mom, just wondering how you are doing? I can't imagine going cold turkey with children to care for! You are my hero. The appointment I had for wed. Was going to be 300 hundred. Another Dr. With better reviews is 200. I made an appointment with her for tomorrow afternoon. Now I just pray that my insurance will cover the cost of the suboxone. I know it is expensive! Please let me know how you are doing! You are in my thoughts and prayers!
Great. Hardly an issue. Mind over matter and Phil 4:13.
Do you know the name of this pharmacy?
Wow, amazing! You are blessed. I hope that it stays this way for you! Please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing! I am really jealous! 36 hours without and I climb the walls! I pray it all falls into place and that I will not have to go through that hell again! Thanks for listening!
Can you let me know what the site or number is to get them?
Macky I hear you and am also NOT want to deal with withdrawal symptoms which are awful..will let you guys know what I can find
You do need to check your state laws. There are a few states that have Tramadol at a higher classification. The law that is the more stringent is the one that applies.
If you are otherwise healthy, you aren't going to die from withdrawals. Although you may wish you would.
Please be aware of this said company marcon solutions inc. They feeds from your credit cards. They will call your number and offers you with tramadol and other drugs.. They say that they are based in califonia but the truth is they are a call center that operates in south east asia.. Over priced and There are many customer complaining about this company they charge you but they do not deliver the said medicine to you. Dont be a victim like me.
hi ive been taking tramadol for 10 years for my degenerated disc disease. i read your comments and im curious to find out where do you get your tramadol? i have been trying to find a legitimate pharmacy i can place an order with. If you could please let me know that information i'd really appreciate it. Thanks
So...what are things looking like?
I usually get my tramadol over phone came cod from Same guy for over a yr regularly he is a great guy very helpful now wants cc# which is fine but now out of no where I am getting cods from somewhere I have no idea what kinda pills they r and don't wanna accept them and find out its gaba or something anyone else have this happen??
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