Tramadol 50 Mg Causing Suicidal Thoughts?
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I was prescribed tramadol 50 mg about 4 months ago for my back pain.. It's been working great as far as taking the pain away.. It really surprised me how much pain it took away and it doesn't make me feel high. I was prescribed 3 a day and that's a good amount to keep me pain free all day. However my insurance won't cover 90 pills, it only covers 60 pills.. And my pharmacist won't let me buy the other 30 for some reason. Doesn't make any sense to me but that's a whole 'nother subject. So I've had to try really hard to only take two a day and it makes me aggravated because I still have to hurt for a third of the day... My question is about the side effects. I've heard that depression and suicidal thoughts are a possible side effect and I've been struggling with that bad lately and it's starting to scare me.. But I struggled with depression before I started taking them but never would've seriously killed myself so I was wondering if it might have intensified it? Because this last week I've been seriously considering ways to kill myself and that's not cool! I'm not normally like that and I have kids that I love more than anything.. I don't want to end up doing something stupid because of my messed up emotions or whatever it is.. Do you think I need to try and find another medicine for my back? Is there anything similar to tramadol that will take the pain away like it does? I know hydrocodone doesn't work for me, I end up having to take way too many. Any suggestions? I'm going to my doctor in a couple weeks and will ask him these same questions. I just realized there may be a connection to the tramadol a few days ago and can't stop wondering about it? Thanks.
2 Replies
I'm allergic to it. I get all fidgety an go into a panic attack.
The FDA does list depression and emotional lability as possible side effects of this medication. So yes, it is possible that it may have intensified your issues. Speaking to your doctor about it would be a good idea.
As to why the pharmacist won't let you buy the other 30 tablets, it's most likely because this medication is classified as an opioid and they aren't allowed to split up such prescriptions like that. You'd need to have 2 separate prescriptions from your doctor, or buy all 90 yourself, out of pocket.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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