Tramacet Vs Tramadol


What is the difference?

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tramacet relieves the pain
percocet relieves the pain AND makes you high (stay away if you can, highly addictive)

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The Tramacet combines the Tramadol with Acetaminophen, which can potentiate the action of some other drugs.

Learn more Tramacet details here.

Tramadol has shown the potential to be habit forming and it may cause side effects such as nausea, dizziness, constipation and headache.

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If I am intolerant of Tramacet, am I likely to be intolerant of Tramadol too? I have constant severe nerve pain in my neck from old whiplash injuries. I'm told Lyrica is good but costs a bomb. Tramadol helped my mom with a similar problem. But Tramacet makes me totally nauseous.

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Yes they are the same medicine except the tramacet has Tylenol in it as well. Stay far away from lyrica as you can as well as Cymbalta. Both are horrible and have awful side effects you may not notice till years down the road. They are harder to stop than an opiate. Opiates get a bad wrap but they are actually very safe and have a low addiction rate for those in real pain. You will get dependent just like any of the above drugs but addiction is a totally different thing. If you do get a real opiate and can get by without using them everyday then I suggest doing so as it will prevent tolerance. Always use the smallest dose and never take enough that you feel no pain. Take enough to make it bearable, it will keep your tolerance low and give you longer and better pain control and less tolerance in the long run. That's what I did and I have been on oxycodone for 13 years and only take 120mgs a day. Some people get up to that much in a year or two.

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Thanks Foxy - that is very useful info! Much appreciated.

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I did quite a bit of research and found out that with my sensitivity to Tramacet, I should stay away from both Tramadol and Lyrica. I've started having some Body Stress Release therapy instead, and I think it is helping - but I've only had 2 sessions. Still taking a low dose of Neurontin / Epleptin as well as some paracetamol.

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Please review all these combinations you are taking. My mom was on - Tramacet and Lyrica - for some years and ended up with Alzheimer's / Dementia. A very healthy, vibrant lady. The last 18 months of her life a living hell. Dying at a young age of 71.
I am no doctor but I saw how managing pain led to her mental deterioration. Also on the list was Cerebrex and Arcoxia.
Off course not all at once.
I used to use Tramacet freely as I thought it was a brilliant drug and lighter drugs e.g. Ibuprofen and Voltaren/Cataflam did nothing for me (except damage my stomach)now I think twice before taking anything.

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I have a very painful shoulder due to arthritis. I have had a cortisone shot which gave me very little relief. My doctor had me use tramacet. The tramacet helped the pain in my lower body pain (knees and lower back) but didn't help my shoulder . Now I'm on 100mg of transadone and the pain in my shoulder is manageable but my lower back and knees are in pain and and my lower back. My doc also has me on cymbalta for fibermialga.

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Can you consume marijuana while taking Tramadol / Tramacet?

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