Tox Screen
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I am on fentanyl 75mcg and Norco. I had a tox screening at the pain doctors the other day. It came up positive for morphine and oxymorphone. I'm not on these two . Why did this happen?

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I waa kicked out of this corrupted saying that cause they were raided and sold scripts....said i had almost every illegal drug in me...request for the lab to send you the report but all i could do is go somewhere else.

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@kelly You are going to have to talk with the medical director of that clinic. Insist that it'is a mistake & that they check the other patients that had labs done that day. Specifically ask if your regular prescribed meds also showed up in your screen (most likely they did not). Unfortunately it's the Federal laws due to so many drug abusers/seekers that have created this "Pain med contract" and the clinic has to follow policies. They might be able to put you on "probation", which means you could be called in at any time & tested as well as a med count. Some clinics have that clause in their policies. Just be persistent & make them look for their mistake.

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Susie,it was last week Thursday. I found out on Monday. I offered to go right in and do another and they said it wouldn't matter. I would not take something that would jeopardize my health. Now they are going to take me off my meds and I don't know what to do. I've been on fentanyl since 2005 and Norco since 1993 ! I'm terrified!

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@kelly If you did not take these meds that showed up in your tox screen then most likely the clinic got your sample mixed with someone elses. How many days ago was this? I would go back into the clinic asap & have them test again. Most clinics won't admit mistake. But it does happen & the only one that suffers is the Patient.

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I asked the question the other day about my tox screen and have not gotten an answer. I've been trying to figure this out. The only other things I took were my blood pressure meds and Tylenol with codine . None of it has that other stuff in it. I'm sick about this. They said I had high levels of it all. Somebody please help me understand this. I'm sick about it. Please

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