Topzole And Alcohol Interactions (Top voted first)
UpdatedHi, can I ask, is it safe to drink alcohol while using topzole? Especially right after taking topzole or anytime during the day for that matter?
2 Replies
It is never a good idea to drink alcohol, while taking any prescription medication.
Additionally, if you're taking an acid controlling medication, such as this one, the FDA warns that alcohol could worsen the condition being treated and may cause worse heart burn, GERD or gastritis.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Ohk I underatand and thanks a lot for the reply. Just to confirm tho. Iv used topzolevfor 4 years now,,,stoping when ever heartburn stops and after a while I go back forbthe normal 6 months doctors prescribe. Judging on that does this mean I must not drink alcohol all my life
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