Topamax And Right Eye Twitching
UpdatedI've been on Topamax 100mg X2 day & or gen. For over 6+ years for migraines & my main concerns are 1) my right eye twitches, 2) low Potassium to wear it is extremely painful & need to take RX Potassium for mult. Reasons 3) memory loss. Would switching back to name brand help with some? Considering my ins. Not my Dr. Understand my reasoning why? & to any other readers I also went legally bind with this drug but it was in combination with another in a 6 month period of being on Topamax & amitriptyline I went from 20/20 vision to legally Blind & for those of you that feel the risk of taking Topamax is beneficial & are taking amitriptyline & have suffered the same always read all the side effects but when consulting a ophthalmologist make sure they don't jump to its just the Topamax because it's must luckily the combination of the two! Hope this is helpful. 0:-)
1 Reply
Hello, Angel! How are you?
No, those are likely just due to the medication itself and it's doubtful they'll go away if you go back to the name brand. Those are known side effects of taking these types of drugs on a long-term ongoing basis.
Have you consulted your doctor? You may need to try a different medication.
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