Tooth Pain After Extraction A Week Ago
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I got my next to last bottom left molar pulled about a week ago after being blown off n jerked around by the emergancy room and the llow income clinic that takes my insurance they gave me a round of keflex antibiotics at emergancy room i finished them then dentist gave me amoxacillin to take i have one days pills left and the infections still there and very painful should i get checked for mrsa n on bactrium or is my pain normal the tooth was "extracted" (ripped from my face) about five days ago and the dentist said id feel better the next day but i don't?!?!
2 Replies
You could have a dry socket from having your tooth extracted. The dentist should be able to tell.
Hello, Doug16125! How are you doing?
If you had a tooth pulled, that socket is going to be open and sore for awhile. It takes awhile for it to heal up and stop being tender.
However, if you've got a severe ache, like you did before the tooth was pulled, you may have developed a dry socket, which is going to require proper treatment.
Do you drink alcohol? Do you smoke?
Those are both things that can cause it to happen. Have you consulted your dentist?
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