Took Wrong Color Sprintec Pill (Top voted first)


I always take my sprintec pill at 9:00 pm. I have been on the pill for a little over a year consistently. Last night I was very tired and wasn't paying attention when I took my pill, and I accidently took my Saturday White Pill instead of my Thursday Blue Pill for my 3rd week. I am wondering what pill am I supposed to take now. Thank you

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Ok so all my pills are blue expect this week pills are white .I took the white one instead of the blue one. Can it get me prego?

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Verwon (# 1)hey this law if on l
I took all color pills like white , yellow, blue, now on last color is I'm taking right

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Hello, Sydney! How are you?

Missing one of the white pills doesn't matter, because they don't contain active hormones, so you should just go ahead and take the active one and then continue as you normally would.

If you take an active tablet late, or miss one, you increase your risk of pregnancy and may experience breakthrough bleeding.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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