Took Two Doses Of Amox Clav 875 (Top voted first)


I have tried to induce vomiting without result. what should I do?

2 Replies

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Hello, Linda! How are you?

Why are you trying to induce vomiting?

This medication is classified by the FDA as an antibiotic and accidentally doubling up won't cause an overdose, or anything. The worst that will happen is that you may experience more nausea, dizziness and drowsiness than usual. Other side effects may possibly include non-allergic skin rash, headache and diarrhea.

For anyone else that finds themselves in a similar situation and unsure of whether or not doubling up on a medication may be dangerous, rather than post on a website and wait for an answer, you should call poison control, because there are some medications that may put someone in danger, if an extra dose is taken.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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