Took 2 Narco 7 5 On Thurday Got To Have Urine Test Monday Will It Be Out Help Please
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Took two narxo 7.5 on Thursday have drug text Monday I don't do this because I have my iwb meds I was at some one else hours lelf my meds at home had bad mirgain head back laying in the bed could not stand a sound ask her did she how any in pon to take she brough me them did not no she give them to next day please help me I don't want to lose my doctor so will they be out by them.

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Before I answered about metabolism, diet etc. I had replied to you that a few months ago I had accidentally taken a vicodin ES thinking it was an excedrin the day before my drug panel by my Sub Dr. I only took one pill and the UA was clean 24 hours later. Since you took 2 it will be working in your body for at least twice that time frame. Also it depends, if its an in-office 5 panel dip, they aren't as sensitive as the one's that are sent away to a lab. If you normally have to wait a few days for the results, it means its being sent to a lab which are much more sensitive and will probably detect it. Also, drinking extra fluids does not flush them from your body. They check for the metabolites that your body creates when breaking down the medication. Diluting it with water won't really help. So again, there are alot of factors. Mainly your metabolism and the analysis they conduct. Either way your probably going to be on the borderline and need to be more careful. Is there any way you can just be upfront with your Dr?

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Alot of it depends on your age, health, metabolism and diet. Just thought I'd say, I'm in my early 30s and in good shape.

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