To Abort Pregnancy Of 7 Months
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we have 12 month baby and i am 7 months pregnant, now i would like abortion. So, please advice me how is it possible?

16 Replies

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At 7 months the child is already full term and you cannot abort the pregnancy! You should be working with your doctor and other agencies to consider adoption of your unborn child.

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To JN I'm willing to give up my unborn baby for adoption i am here in Saudi Arabia being pregnant here is a big problem....if you can come here I'm willing to give my baby for adoption instead of aborting it. I'm 6 months pregnant my tummy is not that big.I am doing everything to hide it...I'm planning to go back to Philippines this month just let me know if your interested to adopt my unborn baby

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i am 4 month pregnant .. and i want to abort my baby.. please hepl me... what medicines should i take to abort this .. i want to do abortion i my house alone... please hepl me

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hi,im 7-8months pregnant,i want to abort my baby,because of confidential reason,please help me!

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I am 6 months pregnant I want to abort this my baby is 10 months old

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Im 7 months pregnant pls help me to abort it.pls..

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5 months pregnant and want to abort?

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Im 6 month old pregnant and im too young I want an abortion but I cant go to any clinic.. Here in philippines abortion is illgelag there any pill I can take? Please..need teen ager..and still studying.I tried herbal abortion medicines thats why it its now.6 month and not effective..pleaae I need help. No one knows about my condition boyfriend and he is still young too..please reply asap.. What pill I can take?".. Asap :(

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I'm 4 months pregnant and I need to abort this because I have a 7 month old twin baby. Please help me. What should i do?

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Hy am 7-8mnths preg an iwnt to do an abortion pls hlp

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Give me your full details so I contact you

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please help me.. adopt my baby please..

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Where do you live?

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Hey im 7 months there anyway i can abort the child?

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Me and my husband are reaching out to you to help us on adopting a new born baby boy. If you have birth moms who are in the late state of pregnancy and wish to give their baby up, please complete the pregnancy and we can take care of that baby. Pl. help us and we can pay the birth mom and for your services. We stay abroad and can really not trouble you again. Pl. work out some plan and help us - {edited for privacy} - We can come and get a baby boy from your arrangements and reward you. Plz help. You are like a god for us.

Was this helpful? 18

Hi Sarkar, I can help you. {edited for privacy}. We are doctors and can advise you or help you. Where are you.plz contact

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