Tiny Round Light Green Pill With Letter P


i found a tiny, round greenish yellow pill with a capital letter P on it. please help me identify what is is as soon as possible! thanks

4 Replies

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I was not able to locate an exact match based on your description, but I did come pretty close. Is there any way that the word WATSON appears on the other side of the pill?

From the sounds of it, it may very well be the placebo dosage of birth control pills containing Ethinyl Estradiol + Norethindrone. If you could have a look at the manufactuer's web site at this page:


Scroll down to the second drug in the list called Necon and you can view an image as well as some additional details. If this does not seem to be what you have, can you please post back with more details? Such as which country, web site, or store it was obtained from? I hope this helps!

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I found a med size pill that is light green with the letter P on one side and the number 10 on the other side? What is it? I was told it was flexeril but I looked that up and they don't look anything like flexeril?

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Round light green pill with capital letter P on one side and just a line on the other someone said they're steroids, just need an answer ASAP

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Mandy & Lori, I've tried searching with the NIH but every green pill with a P on it is different from what you both have described. May I ask what countries you are all in? I think I may have only been seeing US drugs, maybe I should try other countries (?)

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