Thyronorm Overdose (Page 2)
UpdatedA friend has taken 20 pills of thyronorm 25mcg out of hysteria.. What might be the repercussions? Please reply urgently.
I took 20 pills of thyroxin sodium tablet what can i do
One of our patient's 16 yr old girl swallowed several tablets of thyronorm 50mcg and got severe itching and burning sensations all over her body. She is not feeling comfortable at all, so I advised her to go to a higher health care center for the treatment and management. Is this a known side effect of thyronorm overdose?
Instead of 1 tablet I have taken 4 taken please tell me if i have to see a doctor and what are the side effects of these tablets.
Parvathy Jaikrishnan (# 2) --
Hello did you have any side effects. I took 2 by mistake today
What risks are associated with an overdose of thyronorm tablets (like from 62.5 mcg to 100 mcg a day)? I'm concerned because there are no professional endocrinologists in our town and I cannot afford to go to a city for checkups.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
She is fine now ....after 6 hours what is her position can u explain
My friend has taken 7 tablets of thyronorm 75 mcg each.. Is this serious? She is not willing to see a doctor.. Says it's normal.. Of course will get her to doc now.. Worried of its serious.. Please reply immediately
1. My daughter is 23 years old. Since July '17 she's been on homeopathic medication along with 100 mcg thyronorm. She wants to go abroad for her MS but we are unable to send her abroad. Now she stopped taking her medicine and is threatening us with suicide attempts. She said that 3 weeks back she consumed 3 bottles of thyronorm of 125 mcg at a time. I told her that we will go to the hospital with her but she ignores us and has begun writing suicide notes, and we could see them while sweeping the house.
2. She is overweight at 95 kgs. I asked my daughter if we should meet with a doctor, yet she is still ignoring us.
3. What to do? Who should we consult?
If I take 100 of thyronorm 75mcg at the same time what will be the result
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I take 20pills wht happ if we didn't take medicine treatment
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