Tested Positive For Norfentanyl
UpdatedHello, I am a RN and DO NOT use fentanyl. I was going to my MD for chronic pain related to a back injury. He wanted a blood test for drug screen before i started taking Vicodin. I did it and it came back + for norfentanyl. I am perplexed. The only way i can think of being exposed to Fentanyl is for Patients who take the patch at work. I do give Fentanyl patches to my patients occasionally. Could skin exposure to the patch IE: me putting it on a clients skin cause the positive result? (No, i dont always wear gloves when giving meds!)
7 Replies
It's always possible, but generally you wouldn't get a detectable amount that way.
Learn more Fentanyl details here.
Do you take any medications regularly, even over the counter products?
It depends on how many patches you administer in a day nad for ow long you are handeling the patches before applying them to your patient.
If your not intentionally using they should be able to do a drug test to find out what the concentration is in your blood.
Know I shouldnt have to tell you but you should ALWAYS use gloves when administiring medications to patients. You apply a patch to one patient and then go and give Mrs. Smith her medication who is severely allergic to Fentanyl and then you have a law suit against the hospital, you and you'll probably loose your license to practice nursince.
So PLEASE be careful!
Can u test positive for fentanyl if you place a transdermal patch in your clean urine
I submitted a urine sample to my pain mgmt doctor & it came back positive 39.0 ng/ml for Fentanyl and 108.0 ng/ml for Norfentanyl. I have never taken Fentanyl. Wtf?!
Absolutely YES I am also a R.N . I work at a suboxne clinic. Yes the fentyanal will seep into your skin and cause a dirty u.a. always wear gloves ! Merca HIV heptatis are lurking everywhere in hospitals.
Bonbon2512, reply
Although I value your service and applaud advocation for uniform safety procedures I take exception to your analysis of fentanyl exposure thru transdermal applications.levels required to transmit a positive u.a is at such a threshold it can only convert via an open wound or abrasion.medical qualifications are irrelevant for discussion purposes on this forum and frankly most are not impressed with said unsubstantiated medical degrees
I test position for norfentanly I didn't know what it was until my pain management told me it was a patch and I said they face me this at the hospital so they told me I need to take another drug text i told them no because the hospital gave me that because y'all reduce my medication and I was very upset that I ha d to take another drug text so I yell at them and said go get it so he said he couldn't see me anymore that the hydroncone was aberrant behavior so I was left in pain I had just had a knee replacement so I had to deal with my pain and the doctor that did my knee replacement say that the doctor at the hospital shouldn't giving me the patch and they going to investigate him so know I had to wait for all most 2 month to see another pain doctor all because a patch that a doctor gave
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