Tedral Use As A Child
UpdatedI used Tedral and Tedral SA as a child. In fact I overused and became addicted so much that I would be using 3 SA a night along with 6 or more tedral throughout the day with Ventilon.
I only managed to get off them when I became a speed addict.
I have been clean and relapsed a few times over the years but was a heavy drinker.
Now sober I have trouble concentrating, sitting still, ect....and I think I have ADHD which I probably always had but through Tedral and speed, anti depressants it's been controlled to one degree or another.
I now have real problems at work at home and I have now an methods addiction. When I take it I feel calm.
Am I self medicating to control my ADHD I believe so.
And I also believe that long term childhood use and over use did do some damage to my brain.
I have battled depression most of my life.
Do you believe I could actually be on the right track to treatment and recovery and to a more stable, relaxed and healthier future?
Please advise or comment...I need help I just can't go on any more like this.
5 Replies
Hello, Carol! How are you?
What are you doing to treat it and recover?
You didn't provide any specifics, other than to say that you're self-medicating and have self-diagnosed, so your question cannot be answered without more details.
Can you please post back and clarify? Thanks!
I believe that my brain is somehow rewired because of continued use of Tedral. I now take meds for adult ADHD which I never had to when I was taking Tedral. But the worst part is the daily chronic headaches and migraines that started after I stopped taking Tedral (not by choice). I've been suffering these side effects everyday for 20 years!
Re: Verwon (# 1)
For legal and financial reasons no Doctor in the world will diagnose her as having brain damage from any drug, let alone a couple of psych drugs given repeatedly to a little kid.
Re: Marlene (# 2)
I took Tedral for bronchial asthma during childhood and outgrew the bronchial asthma. I had amazing powers of concentration when I was a kid which I think was a side effect. So, they put me in the gifted children's class. I also had bouts of hallucinations in which all my senses were turbo-charged. I would perceive everything as louder, faster, and bigger than they really were. Later on my Mother told me that the Doctor had warned her that I might have some problems like that. I also do the finger flicking thing which I've heard is a sign of someone who has been overly medicated with psych drugs.
Re: Marlene (# 2)
Does anyone else have insomnia as an adult?
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