Tan Pill With D X On One Side And N V R On The Other
Updatedtan pill with letters dx on one side and nvr on the other side
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Sold as replacement for Donepezil HCL 10 MG Tablet for treatment of Alzheimers ## The tablet with the marking TEVA 739 d...
small peach or tan pill with a capital a on one side and 26 on the other ## Located a match it's Lisinopril 10 mg an...
small round flesh color pill with 4 on one side and either 3 or a rounded E on other side ## Based on the description pr...
This pill might be from the 70s or 80s...i found it in my dads collection from when he visitited the UK. he had valiums ...
large round tan pill with m on one side and p/t on the other. Can anyone tell me what this is? ## I've searched all ...
tan, round, letter M with number below it.. ending in 0. Has line making it easily cut in half. ## Located a match to a ...
My friend gave me this pink/tan pill and on one side theres a line through the center with "D" on the top side o...
tan round with 02 on one side and other side a ## Hi amanda, The round pill marked A 02 is identified as Simvastatin (20...
found this pill in teenagers room and really need to know what it is. Anyone who has seen or had these and can tell me w...
I came across a strange pill and I've been trying to figure out what it is for an hour now. It's small, about th...