Taking Wellbutrin/buporion While Pregnant
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My doctor prescribed me buporion to help me quit smoking and I'm pragnant, will this drug harm my baby.

2 Replies

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The PhD is correct. Drug free is best. Quitting smoking is vital. The chances of < optimal birth results, including low birth Wt. and ADHD is a possibility. A inpatient clinic may offer results otherwise done so without support. This is not advise. ONLY the proper qualified staff can ONLY offer Tx modalities with empirical data.

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Hi Mic,
As a psychotherapist and a holistic health practitioner and a mother of two toddlers I want to encourage you to seek out alternative methods for quitting smoking than taking drugs. Even if there is a 1% chance that the medication can affect the baby, then it's worth finding another route. I'm all for keeping our babies drug free. Try hypnotherapy and/or acupuncture. They can be very helpful for smoking. It's disturbing to see how readily and frequently vulnerable people like children and pregnant women are given drugs when we still don't know the long term effects of these drugs on children and the fetus. So please listen to the part of you that is ambivalent about taking medications while pregnant. Women and mothers have great wisdom that is often ignored in our culture.

Ellie Zarrabian, Ph.D.
California, United States

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