Taking This Med, The Reaction From This Med (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I was recently placed on this medication for sevear lower back pain. I recently found out that I have a herinated disk in my back, and disk degenerative disease. My doctor placed me on Dilaudid 8mg, which took all of my pain away. I felt very disorientated, though. I am now on the 4mg tabs every 6 hours. I noticed my pain is dull, but still there. Why do I have to fell out of it to be temoraily pain free? I have been on Vicodin HP, Morphine 60mg, Percocet 5, 7, and 10 mg. I have bounced from med to med trying to find the best results in my case. I am lost for what to do. The med that seemed to help the most was the Vicodin Hp, but I was afraid of the addiction factor. I know I will be on pain meds for the rest of my life, should I even be concerned about addiction?

43 Replies (3 Pages)

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Oxy IR is only available in a max of 10mgs, the controlled release Oxy is available in 10mgs to 80mgs.

Oxy IR would be 3 times daily and Oxy SR would be twice daily.

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im on 200 mg of methadose, im haveing three teeth pulled but methadose is an opioid blocker so the vicodin that they will most likely prescribe wont work, so what pain killers are the best when u are a methadone clinic patient?

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If you feel that you are going to be on pain meds for the rest of your life then why worry about addiction. And if you really want to know the truth a person can get addicted to just about anything if you allow your self to. I have been on pain meds for half my life i hate it but i like you have no choice i have had 12 brain surgerys, 2 back surgerys so i live with cronic pain daily, I do not care what you take, because there are days no matter what i just can not stop the pain, and then there those people out there that abuse meds.they take just to be taking it because they want to get high well it really pisses me off i wish just for one day they could take my place, because like i said i hate taking them but i just do not have a choice. So sweety you just take your meds to try and ease your pain and not worry about addiction. I wish you the best because i know what you are going through,and I wish i could tell you that it gets better , because for me it never does. Good Luck

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